"I understand", Louis said quickly, "would love to beat your ass at fifa though", he laughed.

"Oh it's on".

And for the next hour or so, the boys tried to beat each other, Louis ultimately won, but it wasn't an easy fight.

"Alright I've really gotta get going now".

"Tell your mum I said hi, Yea?"

"Will do, Tommo".

"Alright, see ya Lad".

He got back in time to see Harry do his finisher, kiwi, the one everyone went crazy about, and Louis could understand why. Harry was filthy on stage, it's like he was flirting with every single person in that room. His awful dance moves looked better paired with his husky voice, and then this man basically started humping the microphone stand and Louis lost it. Who was this stripper and where did Harry go?

"Thank you London, see you next time", was the last thing he yelled before he ran off stage.

"Hey rockstar", Louis said as he saw Harry approaching.

Harry smiled as he felt Louis' hand wrap around his wrist, pulling him closer to him. His cheeks were flushed and pupils blown wide, a light layer of sweat covered his chest, Louis was getting lightheaded.

"You know", he said, giggling at the way Louis was staring at him, "these doors have locks".

Louis smirked, "really? With your fans still out there?"

"They don't have to know".

And of course Louis' stupid insecurities had to ruin it for him, "wouldn't you rather have one of them up here? Some boyish twink that'd do whatever you asked him to because you're the Harry styles? Or maybe some other popstar with a scruffy beard and way more muscle".

"Oh Lou", Harry cooed, cupping his cheeks, "no one compares, not even a little bit, you think I'm going to let anyone but you touch me? You think anyone but you knows how to get me off 5 times in a row? You think a bit of muscle is gonna make me throw away everything I have with you?"

Louis managed to form a soft smile on his lips, maybe he was right, scratch that, of course he was right. Harry's hands slid up to his back, pulling him in closer and pressing his lips to his. His tongue swiped over his bottom lip before exploring his mouth.

And fuck it, Louis was not going to let himself ruin this night. He put his hand on Harry's hips, pulling him even closer and grinding into him. His hand came up to palm Harry through his pants, "you look so gorgeous tonight", he managed to say over Harry's moan. "Almost wanted to pull you off that stage and have my way with you right then and there", he continued as he popped open Harry's buttons, letting the pants fall to the floor.

Harry pulled Louis on the couch with him, kissing him roughly as Louis' hand squeezed Harry's thighs. He was busy taking Louis' shirt off, hands exploring every inch of exposed skin, before stopping at his chest, Harry had only found out how sensitive Louis was a couple of weeks ago, ever since, he used it to his full advantage. The silver barbell glistened in the light as Harry ran his fingertips over his nipple, a growl escaping his mouth as soon as he did.

Louis' stubble tickled Harry's neck, he loved the feeling of beard burn everywhere on his body, especially between his thighs. Maybe he should ask Louis, maybe. He forgot about his thoughts as he felt Louis' teeth sink into his neck, biting ever so slightly, before blowing cool air over the spot.

He grinned as he heard Harry moan loudly, Harry kissed the stupid grin right off of his stupid face, pushing his hips up to show him how impatient he was. He felt Louis pressing up into his thigh and needed him inside. The sooner, the better.

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