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Proud, that's how Louis would describe himself right now. Proud and incredibly in love.

He was watching the audience from behind the curtain, waiting for Harry to finally come back from hair and makeup. He opened up yet another water bottle as he snapped pictures from everyone and everything. This was so exciting.

It had been a year since Harry first released his single, now he was playing shows, and this was his first fully sold out one. Of course Louis wanted to come and watch him. He draped himself across the small couch and sighed, proudness aside, hair and makeup were taking their sweet time.

That's when his man walked through the door, grinning at him as he showed off his outfit. White wide-legged trousers with a pink blouse, of course with more buttons undone than closed. He looked so edible. Travelling had made him tan and the workout schedule made him even more toned than before, it took everything in Louis to not mark up every piece of chest he saw.

"I am the luckiest guy in the world", he said as his eyes raked over him.

Harry chuckled and kissed him quiet, Louis' hand came up to cup his cheek and pull him in closer, but Harry quickly slapped it away. "Can't, you'll mess up my makeup".

Louis groaned but pulled away from him, "how long till you gotta go on?"

"15 minutes".

"You know what we can do in 15 minutes?" Louis asked, wiggling his brows.

"Behave like adults do".

"You're no fun", he pouted.

"Watch it", Harry scolded before sitting down on his lap.

"Just gonna make it harder for me hm?", he asked, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.

Harry ground his hips and giggled as he heard Louis groan, he pulled out his phone and snapped a quick picture of them to post on his Instagram story, something his management told him to do, not that he minded. Any excuse to show Louis off was a good one.

Louis gave him one last kiss before he ran on stage. His ears started ringing from how loud the audience was, but his smile never left his lips. This was everything Harry deserved. The past year had been weird. Harry got recognised, and more people flirted with him, noticeably, even with Louis next to him. It made him quite jealous, he didn't like sharing, but Harry always made it up to him. It was also weird not having Harry around 24/7 anymore. Super weird to have him be miles away from home, doing shows in L.A. or New York while he was back in London trying to find a job. He managed to get a restraining order on his dad, who tried to contact him again after finding out he was making money. Harry was too sweet to deny him, but Louis was quick to put a stop to it. Mostly it was just weird to see his name appear in interviews Harry did, seeing him being mentioned as the popstars lowkey boyfriend.

Rumours got written about them, so far Louis had cheated on Harry with Zayn, his actual sister, and Niall. Harry on the other hand had cheated on Louis with every person that even breathed in his general direction. Louis was apparently also a gold digger, despite him already dating Harry before the fame. Then there was the 'Harry being gay for clout' rumour, it was all so weird.

He loved Harry with his entire heart, but waiting alone backstage was getting boring. He decided to walk over to Niall's dressing room, praying that he could keep him company.

Niall had just finished changing clothes. He was still a bit sweaty from opening for Harry, but he looked amazing nonetheless.

"Hey man", Louis smiled, "you killed it out there".

"God I hope so", he laughed, "not gonna lie, that shit's nerve-racking".

"I can imagine".

"Uh listen, I can probably play one or two rounds of fifa, but then I've really gotta get going, promised my parents I'd be home in mullingar tomorrow".

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