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It was cloudy. The clouds were playing hide and seek today. The gentle breeze was calming. Misha walked through the narrow paths and finally reached her favourite place. She was carrying two big bouquet of flowers. She sat on the ground and carefully placed each one of them on the two stone slabs.
One of them read, "Zoya Siddiqui - 1985 - 2017
Found love in eternity."
The other read,
"Aditya Hooda - 1983 -2019
Will love you till eternity and beyond."

She looked at both the graves lying side by side and smiled.
"Adi bhaiya. You know I got admission in the college. Its been a week. People are really sweet. Today I met a girl named Zoya.. she was scared.. it was her first day and I helped her. She is really sweet. Guess we both have a thing for Zoya." She smiled.

"I hope you are doing good Adi bhaiya. I miss you. Mumma misses you too. But I know you are happy." Tears trickled down and fell on the grave.

She then turned at looked at Zoya's grave, "Zoya.. I hope you are taking good care of him. I hope you both are having lots of fun above."

She wiped her tears and got up to leave. The clouds had formed thick covers now and it started drizzling.

In the silent and cold atmosphere, she saw two figures at distance in front of her. On close look she realised, it was Aditya and Zoya, holding hands.
They smiled at her . Aditya sent her a flying kiss. Misha smiled between her tears. She closed her eyes and opening it she found no one.

Maybe it was her imagination. Maybe Aditya and Zoya were actually there. She wasnt sure. It didnt matter either. What she knew was that life was perhaps too short. Not that she was not going to experience human emotions. She would experience pain, love, guilt, all if it. What she learnt was to not hold onto to it. To appreciate everyone she loved. She really didnt want any unfinished business. She wanted to cherish each and every bit of life she has been gifted with.
She learnt one more thing, Only two things are powerful - Death that can beat everything and Love that can beat death.

With a prayer she walked away carrying with herself forever precious memories of Aditya and his Zoya.

A short epilogue. So thank you all for reading. It was great writing this one. Hope you all liked it.
Time to say goodbye.
Shivja. ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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