Christmas (female child oc)

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Chloe picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, she opened up the window and climbed out of it.


Rachel knocked on her daughters bedroom door "are you dressed, we're going out now" Rachel twisted the door knob only to find out that it was locked.

She ran into her room and grabbed the keys, Rachel used the key on the door and opened it, she expected her daughter to be inside but she wasn't.

Rachel quickly pulled out her phone and dialled her ex husband "Danny, Chloe is missing"


"What do you mean she's missing" Danny asked, he was on a case with five-o at the moment.

The team looked over at him "alright don't panic, she couldn't of gotten far, I want you to grab Gracie and Charlie and just look for her on your street okay, ask around" Danny hung up his phone, he threw it down against the floor.

"What happened, who's missing Danny" Steve asked walking closer to his friend.

"Chloe, she... she's missing, Rachel uh told her to get dressed and then she went to check up on her but she wasn't in her room" Danny slid down onto the floor, he slammed his back against the brick wall.

"I'm sure that she's just fine" Steve took a seat down beside his friend, Danny shook his head, he lifted up his hand to say something but his hand was too shaky.

", she's seven and she's out there all alone" Grover knelt down in front of Danny, he placed a hand on his knee.

"You should go visit Rachel, help look for her" Steve nodded his head agreeing.

"No, I... I can't go there" Danny rested his head on his hands, he couldn't believe that this was actually happening.

"Why" Tani asked, her and Junior were standing in front of the rest of the team.

"Because she's coming here"


Chloe was walking through the woods, she didn't want to be caught because then she would be in a lot of trouble.

The seven year old didn't think about what would happen when she gets to her father's house because surely she would be in more trouble than if she got caught.

I'm the distance Chloe could hear sirens, she didn't know if that's cause of her or someone else.

Chloe was getting tired but she had no where to sleep, if she went to sleep somewhere someone could find her and bring her home but she wanted to be with her father not her mother.

- (two hours later) -

Rachel's house was pretty far from Danny's, it was a two hour drive but a four hour walk.

Chloe had two more hours until she reached her father's house, the girl had already eaten one of the granola bars and drank half of a water bottle.

"Are you tired Connor" Chloe asked her doll, she made him nod his head.

"We'll be at Danno's soon, then we can both sleep" Chloe stood up from where she was sitting, she started to walk again, she was still in the woods.

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