Noah + Traitor

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Finally I get to explain more about Yume. Also again just to remind all Tyki is sexy! Enjoy reading~

Tyki turned around the corner with his friends in a street full of people. They managed to get a temporary delivery job in Satu Mare city in Romania.

Tyki kept thinking about the women they met on the train. Especially about how he wished to kiss those full lips again. 'Too bad she didn't told me her name. Maybe with my connection from my Noah side I could find out more about her.'

When they passed by a public phone booth the phone ringed.

Tyki knowing it was for him answered it. "Got it. I will be there soon."

Momo pouted. "Again your secret job? You know with the amount you get paid for it you should take us with you too." Tyki shrugged. "Not my fault my employ wants me be discreet about work." Clark tapped his belly. "I don't care either way as long as we get food on the table at the end of the day." Eeese just smiled sweetly at Tyki making him smile too.

After biding goodbye for now to his friends Tyki walked into a dark alley.

Tyki's clothes changed into a black fancy aristocrat clothing while his skin became a gray like ash. He slicked back his hair showing his stigma marks on his forehead.

In front of him appeared a heart shaped door. A girl with spiky short hair jumped from it. She lunged herself right straight into Tyki.

"Road wai... Agh!" Road crushed into Tyki hugging his neck. Tyki fell on his butt while Road laughed at him. "You always so amusing Tyki!! I really missed you!"

Tyki sweat dropped. "That's how you show you missed someone..." "Aww Tyki don't be so sore! You finally get to meet your family members." Tyki stood up. "Then let's go before the earl will lecture us for being late."

They used Road's door to teleport into a dark hall.

The earl stood before them and other Noah's. "Road it took you too much time to get Tyki pun." Tyki frowned at his nickname. "Come on earl don't call me like that."

The earl cleared his throat. "The reason I called all of you here today is to talk about our family. Well more correctly about a little dirty stain in our family that I tried to hide."

Tyki raised his eyebrow. "The 14th?"

The earl sighed. "No. Unfortunately we have another stain. It's the 15th Noah the traitor of our family. The Noah with the memories of freedom. That Noah is very dangerous to us. The 15th Noah was born to oppose us. Worse of all its impossible to kill the 15th by our hands. We can only lock the 15th Noah away."

Skin Bolic growled. "Then why you didn't gave the order to capture him before?"

The earl gave everybody a serious look as much as he could with his smile. "That Noah influenced the 14th Noah to try to kill all of our family. The 15th Noah almost didn't kill me in the past generation. No one could kill him so he hid away until he was reborn into the current generation."

Road smiled creepily. "So you want us to hunt down the 15th?" "Exactly! I want you all my family to capture the 15th for the safety of our family and goals."

Jasdero and Debitto giggled pointing their guns in the air. "Hunting game sounds fun!" "Hehe yeah hehe! But how the 15th looks??"

The earl snapped his fingers. Image of a gray skinned women in her 20's appeared before them.

"That's the images I saw from my akumas. The current 15th Noah is a female who do not have a stigma. Her human form is unknown since she only attacks in her Noah form. I will send all of you the files of the possible candidates for the 15th identity. Your mission is to find all the females on your list and eliminate them. When you will see she won't die then you will know it's the 15th. Now off to work all of you~"

Tyki looked at the card like shaped akuma in his hand. It showed a picture of a very familiar women. 'There's no way. Right?'

Yume walked at the streets of Satu Mare city. She ate a red apple happily. 'I like apples! Good thing I didn't waste allot of money in Moscow.'

Yume stopped to read a big poster. ""Phantom ritual at sunset. The phantom spirit is real so come see with your own eyes."" She smiled. 'Bingo.' 

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