Graduation day

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A/N: I really hope you enjoy this chapter it will be from Akashi's Pov 

I awake in my bed letting out a yawn to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun's rays hitting my face I laid there looking up at the ceiling right before something hit my window. I slowly climbed outta bed then walked towards the window pulling the shades back I see my best friend there Sada Yumi her Black hair flowing way past her shoulders she wore a grey two-piece dress with shorts under and Sandales she also had her kunai holster on her shoulder and a pouch on her waist she was carrying a basket probably food.

She's always making sure we eat I don't know what we would do without her. She called my name waving with a huge smile I was about to wave back but just then I saw my brother sneaking up behind me from his reflection in the window as he leaped towards me I simply moved to the side leaving him to hit his face flat on the window making an annoying screeching sound as his face slid down the window. 

"You almost got me that time good job naruto but I gotta get ready wait outside with Sada ill be out shortly," I said giving a faint smile as naruto gave a thumbs up. 

I leave the room grabbing my usual outfit a dark blue jacket with black puff collar, long black pants and black sandals I headed into the bathroom took my shower 

after getting ready

I walked out of the house locking the door at first secretly hoping that when we come back we will have parents waiting for us I quickly shake these childish thoughts out of my head me and Naruto that's all the family we need. 

"AKASHI LETS GO WERE GONNA BE LATE" Naruto yelled a small piece of bread on his cheek 

I  hopped from the building landing in front of Sada as she handed me a wrapped sandwich as the three of us started walking towards the academy 

"So naruto you think your gonna pass today heard it might be tough," Sada asked looking concerned.

"Of course I'm gonna pass the future Hokage can't be that lame Sada," he says confidently with a toothy grin 

"Naruto today could be our first step to being real ninja take it seriously," I said sternly crossing my arms 

"I did practice and I'm gonna ace this exam Believe it" he shouted causing the villagers to stare I saw the hatred in their eyes as they looked at us. I was about to say something but Sada grabbed me and naruto's hands and started running towards the academy a fake smile appearing on her face.

At the Academy 

We walk into the classroom filled with our classmates, as usual, I took my seat in the back next to Shikamaru and Ino while Sada took hers next to the quiet kid I believe his name was Kaiba Hashimoto. He sat there with his foot on the desk rocking back in forth his black hoodie with the word carnage on it in white text the hoodie covers most his face, as usual, he seemed to be zoning out looking out the window even when Sada spoke he seemed to not even notice she's there but Sada always says he passes her notes she's missing when she's not there that's why I never gotta do it so guess he's good guy just different.  poof the sound of Iruka appearing into the classroom disrupting my train of thought.

"good morning kids, I don't wanna keep you guys here for too long so we'll begin the final exam now when your name is called proceed to the test room and perform the clone Jutsu first up Akashi Uzumaki please follow me into the testing room," he said walking out of the room I followed shortly behind knowing I would ace the exam I wasn't worried about me but naruto was freaking out I could tell by his deminer changing as heard the clone Jutsu would be our final test I just really hope he passes.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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