VI - Cardboard for Desert

Start from the beginning

Talia: "heyyyy who said you could have any of MY pizza" she said teasingly

"Well considering I cooked it for you I think I deserve a slice" I reasoned 

We sat there for a little bit. Pizza in hand, staring into each others eyes, before she looked down and continued eating. I smiled as I looked away from her and ate my now rationed Pizza slice too.

Talia: "So this is where you live then, The famous 'Sidemen house', and I get to have my own personal Pizza date with Miniminter in the kitchen" 

I couldn't help but smile as she confirmed she wanted to spend time with me

"yea, me, Josh and then two of the other guys live here: Vik and JJ"

Talia: "it's alot of space for 4 people living here" 

"Well I mean, Josh has Freya round a lot and we have friends here most days because well...its a lot of space."

Talia: "Aw Josh and Freya are so cute together. Iv known her a while now, It's been so long I can't even remember how we met, but I think she's been with Josh the whole time and she's always happiest when she's with him. 

"Iv known Josh almost since they started dating and they've just gotten better for each other as the years have gone on to be honest"

Talia: "I hope I get to be with someone and have something as good as they do one day soon"

We stared into each others eyes again, smiling. I felt so...right. Just like that was the moment that made life seem perfect.

I had never been able to read anything about girls. But looking into Talia's eyes it just felt like we shared happiness right in that moment. All those feelings from the first time we met came back. I really did like her.

I broke our gaze this time, i'm not sure what made me do it and I didn't really want to but I did.

Somehow the pizza, sure it was only a small thing, was all gone, all but the last remains of a slice in Talia's hand.

"ahhh you've had the last bit all thats left is this cardboard"

Talia: giggling "well I said I'd let you have a slice and I did" Her drunken tone coming back reminding me actually how out of reality I was too, all those thoughts from our slowed down conversation being blinded by the sudden resurgence of intoxication. "and you're not gonna eat that cardboard"

Now I don't know what came over me. But For some reason, I went super competitive as if I had something to prove all of a sudden.

I picked up the card pizza base and ripped a chuck off with my teeth, then proceeded to chew it.


She started laughing uncontrollably as the realisation set in that while I was chewing cardboard, I definitely couldn't eat it.  

Talia: "Yea I bet that tastes just as good as the pizza" she continued laughing

"oh yea its delicious" I replied enthusiastically with my mouth full

* Talia's phone beeps with a text * she looked down at it and I used this moment to take the card out my mouth and put it back in a pile of rubbish.

Talia: "Oh did I call an Uber to pick me up from here then when we left the party in London?"

Oh yea, now she had to leave. the whole reason she'd come back to the house was to wait for the next cab back to her place.

"oh yea probably" i said kind of reluctantly

She grabbed her phone and bag that was on the table and looked at me as if to say she wanted me to walk her out. I obliged of course.

I opened the front door of the house to see at the end of the driveway beyond the gates was a car waiting to take her home.

Talia: "Y'know Simon. I'm so glad I saw you again tonight. Maybe when We aren't completely drunk we can go out somewhere again"

That's it. I did it.

"Yea sure, ill take you out again in a little while and we can maybe go eat some more delicious cardboard"

She laughed at me and put her hand on my arm as she stood looking back at me standing under the door frame. 

Talia: "see you soon Simon Minter" She stood up on tiptoes and game me the slightest peck on the cheek then turned and walked down the driveway. 

I didn't move, I just tried to think about the moment and nothing more. I watched her until she merged with the darkness at the end of the driveway. I could see a faint silhouette of her getting into the cab then driving off. When I was sure she was gone, I finally tried to comprehend what happened.  

"Damn" I said to myself out loud realising that I just let a beautiful girl leave my house in the middle of the night.

Hang on...Did I just eat Cardboard...trying to impress a girl! WHY!

Fucking hell, I think its time to sleep for about 50 hours.

I turned around closing the door, put my back up to it and slid to the floor.

All i could do was think about that moment. Starting into each others eyes and feeling like everything was perfect.

My eyes couldn't help closing. The last thing I would remember of that night, was thinking about her, while drifting off to sleep on the floor.

Life changing - Miniminter and Talia Mar FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now