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This is a fic I wrote back in 2015 and I have to be honest: I think it was awful. Many Call of Duty stories I wrote at the time were... well, not very good but this one in particular kept bugging me, I don't know why. So, after endless procrastination, I decided to rewrite it. 

Posted on this site mainly for archival purposes so, yeah...

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Disclaimer: I don't own Call of Duty Advanced Warfare or its characters. They all belong to Activision and Sledgehammer. No copyright infringement intended.

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Warnings: Unbetaed work. English is not my first language. Explicit language. Ableism. I would warn for smut but I know y'all here for that Mitchell porn.

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His lips crashing against yours in a bruising kiss was the way he always greeted you when you were alone.

And you couldn't blame him for his manners, of course. You knew what to expect from him whenever he visited your dorm, and he also knew that you weren't one for pleasantries. The thought of making small talk before sex was something that frustrated you to no end, given your experiences with guys that talked your ears off and tried to sweeten you in hopes of getting into your pants. Thankfully, Mitchell had never been one to enjoy endless conversation either. In fact, he'd always been a little withdrawn around others, keeping more to himself than sharing his every thought.

It was hard to be talkative when Joker was around, either way.

You'd barely begun to work for ATLAS as a nurse in one of its many medical facilities, and you were already tired of dealing with the constant barrage of date requests and phone numbers that always found their way in the pockets of your scrubs. Even renowned captain Gideon— elite operative for none other than Jonathan Irons, and any woman's wet dream— had tried to chat you up at some point. However, you knew better than to fall for his charm. He was notoriously known to be quite popular among the ladies and it was almost an unspoken rule that he belonged to everyone, so no one was allowed to be his girlfriend without the approval of his unofficial fan club.

Your coworkers said that it would soon settle down. You weren't the first intern to catch the attention of the male population in ATLAS. It was all because you were young, pretty, and fresh meat in the eyes of those testosterone-driven soldiers. They all loved the competition and a little flirting could do no harm— unless they tried some funny business, of course. It wasn't like you were obligated to go out with them.

Honestly, you could care less about hooking up with anyone.

Until you met Jack Mitchell, at least.

The man had piqued your curiosity when he'd dropped by the medical facility to have a general examination, prior to joining ATLAS. He was a rookie and rumor had it that he'd been specially selected by the CEO himself to enter as a private military contractor. Which meant that he was given automatic admission and whatever tests you ran on him were just a simple formality to fulfill.

After the death of his only son, Irons seemed to have found some sort of refuge in William's best friend. He really wanted to help the young man and you thought it was a very noble gesture, considering that Mitchell had been discharged from the Marine Corps and didn't have many prospects. That and the fact he'd lost an arm.

Working for ATLAS must have been a no-brainer for him. 

So as soon as he'd applied for a job, he was fitted with a state-of-the-art prosthetic replacement and received special military training under Gideon, his new commander. He was placed with the best of the best and, though it might have seemed like he had it easy, in reality he was under a lot of pressure to deliver the best performance and had many expectations to live up to. Mitchell couldn't disappoint Irons after he'd given him this golden opportunity and, more importantly, he wanted to prove to himself that Will's sacrifice didn't go to waste on someone unworthy.

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