Sexual Frustrations?

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Nights weren't terrible with sins. The constant questioning of detectives and Royal guards where pressing and frustrating but bearable with the group of friends she had.

The snoring on the other hand was a bit pressing to an exhausted mind. Especially when it's three in the morning and Gabrielle worked all day keeping up after the sins. Ban was absolutely annoying and since he was moved to her room to stay warm, it was even worse.

Since the days grew cold now and harvest was only a few days away Gabrielle told Ban to move into her room for the stay. He was warm and caring no doubt but the noises he made when sleeping where close to him being kicked out and freezing to death.

Gripping her pillow the female shot up and slammed her feathers filled cloth down onto the males head. He woke with a start and fell from the mattress as his roommate stared down at him.

"W-what th-Th-"


She is as back down in moments eyes closed and blankets over her tired body. Ban stood dumbfounded for a moment before sitting up and jumping onto the bed once again. His arms where gentle as he hugged Gabrielle's frame.

"S-Sorry.... I didn't know I was bothering you. "

Looking over her shoulder with a deadly glare the shorter female growled moodily.

"Are you taking over tomorrow?! Cleaning cooking and even taking care of a bunch of sins?! No!!!! You aren't so you don't need as much sleep as I do!!! "

Ban flinched as she snapped at him. He pulled back slightly but kept his hand on her hips.

"I-i said sorry... "

Sighing the female leaned forwards and kissed his cheek before snuggling against his chest. She was moody and short yes but hated when she had to get snappy with someone. Losing her cool was what she hated most.

"No. Im sorry Ban. I'm just stressed and tired and moody and-"

"Sexually frustrated? "

Slapping his chest Gabrielle's rolled over ignoring his laughter. Hugging her waist again he placed his chin onto her shoulder and kissed her neck teasingly.

"Come on! Everyone is sexually frustrated around me! Too horny and hard to control. "

Gabrielle grabbed her pillow and started smothering him. He laughter and pushed her so he was a top her body. Hands pressing down her wrists to the mattress he leaned closer.

"Don't worry I'm only teasing big stuff. I won't do that to you. "

Pulling away he layed back down league a breathless Gabrielle to sit and think over everything.

Ya..... She is sexually frustrated.....

Idk what this chapter was but I was having fun with it and just went with the flow.

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