Shuichi X Kiibo

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Kiibo was getting picked on again, Kokichi was saying robophobic things to him. "Kokichi stop that isn't funny!" He said back. "What are you gonna do?" He answered. "Electrocute me?" Kiibo got even more mad. They started insulting each other. Everyone in the dining hall had to listen to them bickering back and forth and it was getting on their nerves. "God can't they just shut up!" Miu said, "I'm trying to work on an invention over here" "I can't prey to Atua with all this noise!" Complained Angie. "He's just asking for me to kill him..." Maki said with the knife prepared in her hands. "H-hold on Maki! I'll go talk to them." said Kaede. She walked over to Kiibo and Kokichi and tried to calm them down. Shuichi was in the corner watching it all unfold. He kind of felt bad he didn't do anything about it. His friends where in an argument, maybe he could've done something? No, it's not his fault. Kokichi has a tendency to annoy people. If he found something that annoyed Kiibo he would definitely rub it in, after all Kiibo was a very easy target. He wanted to go see what was going on but he decided not to, in fear of making it worse. He saw Kaede glance over at him with an "I could use some help here" expression. He pulled his hat over his eyes in shame. He really wasn't good with eye contact. He felt upset as he sunk back into his seat.

Shuichi dropped down onto his bed. It was comfortable. He thought about the whole situation that he got stuck into. The killing game, the possibility that all his friends could die, he felt really small and insignificant compared to all of it. He knew he wouldn't make it out alive, there was no way. He thought of Kiibo again. A robot has high chance of survival, right? Maybe he just wanted to think that. Kiibo often said that he was going to end the game. He really wanted to believe him but there didn't seem to be a way out. He really felt bad about earlier, and decided he should go visit Kiibo. He sat up and looked in the mirror. He looked exhausted, and the day had just started not even that long ago. He took off his hat. He looked really different, he could see both of his own yellow eyes. He decided he would keep his hat off as he walked out of his room. He went up the staircase that lead to Kiibo's room. When he got to the door he knocked quietly. He saw his favorite robot friend open the door. "Hello Shuichi! Oh your hat is off? I like the new look." He said and smiled. Shuichi thanked him for the compliment and they sat down on Kiibo's bed. "Hello Kiibo, are you feeling okay?" He realized that sounded a bit out of no where and explained what he meant. "I mean after earlier today?" Kiibo looked to the side. "Yeah, I'm doing fine I feel just as I usually do." "Are you sure...? Did Kaede help you guys?" Kiibo felt overwhelmed with so many questions. "Yes, Kaede helped sort it out, she said we should both just agree to dislike each other and stop arguing. I-I feel fine!" Kiibo responded. Shuichi knew something was up, Kiibo only stutters if he's upset or nervous... wait how does he already know that? Never mind, he had to find out what the problem was. "Kiibo, if there's something wrong you can be honest with me." Kiibo slightly frowned, he didn't want to be sad around Shuichi. "Okay" Kiibo responded "I'm.. upset that I'm a robot. Maybe I'm not as important as all my friends here. After all, I am just a machine." Shuichi really didn't like to see Kiibo upset, but he was glad he told him. "Kiibo.. you matter just as much as everyone else here." He pulled him into a hug, Kiibo's face lit up pink. "You're just like a human, you have human emotions, you care about us. I think you're really awesome Kiibo, please start thinking more highly of yourself ." Kiibo slowly backed out of the hug and looked up at Shuichi who he saw was blushing too. "Thank you S-Shuichi." He smiled at him, his eyes watering happily. Shuichi smiled too. "That meant a lot to me." Kiibo said quietly "I think I'm okay with being a robot." Shuichi reached down and held Kiibo's hand. Kiibo's eyes widened. They both blushed more. Kiibo leaned on Shuichi's shoulder. "Hey, Shuichi.. can we stay like this for a while?" ... it was quiet for a moment. "Yeah, of course we can."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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