Whoever threw that paper

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A/N: Why hello there friends! Thank you for supporting this story to this next chapter and sorry for updating so late but I can't sleep with all the heckin stuff I gotta accomplish this week

And I had several tests to take for the past three days

( . _.) ... 

( > _<)o🔫 

Ugh, wait. Not yet, lemme go complete my busy ass week first.

As I was saying, thank y'all for sitting through all this and being your beautiful loveable selves. Bye bye now, I hope y'all enjoy this 3rd chapter!


User: Lady Palutena has created the chat "KIU"

User: Lady Palutena has added 2 others 

Lady Palutena: Okay boys, I may be away on business but I know one of you did something dumb

Lady Palutena: I can simply feel it from here

Dark Pit: It was Pit-stain 

Dark Pit: everything he does is dumb

Pit: Hey! 

Lady Palutena: I'm serious you two

Lady Palutena: Is anything broken, are you hurt?

Pit: I'm fine Lady Palutena! 😊

Dark Pit: And I'm not interested in this conversation 

Lady Palutena: Is that a confession I hear?

Pit: I bet you'd be interested if we talked about your date! 

Lady Palutena: oh? 

Dark Pit: SHUT UP PIT 


Pit: go where? 

Pit: oh wait.. 

Lady Palutena: Don't be so embarrassed Pittoo! 

Lady Palutena: Tell me about the night you had out!! 

Dark Pit: No 

Dark Pit: no no no no no NO NO NO NO

Dark Pit: a MILLION times no!! 

Pit: He said it was nice and that they had a great evning by the rverrside 

Dark Pit: Oh my god! SHUT UP

Lady Palutena: Aw, that's absolutely precious! 😄 

Lady Palutena: Also Pit dear, remember  your spelling

Pit: Oh yeah, thanks Lady Palutena! :)

Dark Pit: Okay but you had a date too you glorified goddess 

Pit: wHAT?? 😧

Pit: sence when? With who? What Lady Palutena????

Lady Palutena: Sorry Pittoo, but I don't recall being on any "dates" anytime soon..

Lady Palutena: oh, but I must be leaving 

Lady Palutena: Be good boys! 

[User: Lady Palutena has left the chat]

Pit: what? Pittoo was that all true? 

Dark Pit: that I'm going to strangle you for that comment? Yeah

&quot;Wanna Smash?&quot; A Smash Bros ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now