Chapter 2

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Second chance

Chapter two

For the next week, Mac and I spent a good amount of time together. When I asked him about his work and what his boss would think, he said that he has an understanding boss, no problem. He pretty much never left my side, except to let me shower. Can't say that I didn't like. it. We spent some time at the Luna Mesa, letting me get to know the place, meet some of the regulars and I met one of the waitresses, Shayla, who has been with Walter for many years. She welcomed me with open arms, glad to have another female around in this sea of men. Never once did Mac ask me about that first night we met, why I was running or the scars he seen on my back that night. I know it is just a matter of time before he knows, it is like he can see into my soul. He can't know, not now, maybe not ever.

Flashback/Nightmare-High school, I was not one of the "pretty people", you know the ones with the perfect hair, eyes, body, that wasn't me. I wasn't the cheerleader. I was the nerd with the braces, the glasses, the smart girl, not the girlfriend type, you know. I was college-bound, plans to be a psychiatrist. Worked closely with our Lead Guidance Counselor, Mr. Nick Romans, good experience for me he said, he could teach me a thing or two. I counseled students when I could, with Mr. Romans assistance of course. This is where I felt most accepted, working with Mr. Romans. Has worked with him from my second year in high school he made me feel pretty accepted. He joked with me and said that if I wasn't his student and him my teacher, he would have asked me out. I can't believe he said that me, the nerdy girl, no, really? Makes me blush. I wish I could tell him that I thought it was so cute. Treats me like a woman, not a child, but I knew he was off-limits. I really had a crush on our quarterback, Braxon Neal. He didn't know, about it. He was nice enough, as long as his girlfriend, Taylor Moore, was not around. She was the head cheerleader, long blond hair, green eyes, big breasts, looks like a Barbie, you know. My senior year, my Calculus teacher asked me to tutor Braxon, they needed him for the team, and I was the one for the job. Of course, I said yes. We worked together after school, sometimes on the weekend if a big test was coming up. It was midterm time, we had to study extra hard, Braxton had to pass to play, my responsibility, so the coach and the principal told me. I can't fail. Taylor didn't like me spending time with Braxon. She made sure I knew every chance she had. She went out of her way to put me in my place, under her heel, whenever he wasn't around. Braxon started asking me personal things, what music I liked, my favorite color had I ever had a boyfriend. No boyfriend, not for me. Concentrating on school I told him, truth was, I didn't feel like I was pretty enough, even finally when my braces came off senior year. I was excited to show Braxon, he smiles at me, takes my glasses off and says, "you know, you really are beautiful, untouched." He reaches up to take my chin, raise it up to look at him, brushes his lips across mine. My first real kiss, no one has kissed me other than family since that horrible day when I was 10. "What about Taylor?", I ask. "She is not you, not pure", Braxon whispers in my ear. I try to get us back on track, feeling a little nervous right now. Midterm grades come in, Braxon passes with flying colors. He finds me, picks me up and swings me around, "we did it Cynder," he says smiling at me, "thank you". "You are welcome, but I'm just doing my job, I say. "I guess I will see you around, I'm sure Taylor is waiting on you", I say and turn to walk away. Braxon grabs my arm, "wait, I want to ask you something, would you go to the winter dance with me?" "But you and Taylor, I can't you really don't want to go with me anyway, I was just doing my job, that's all", I say trying to walk away. "I am asking you because I want to", Braxon says. "Let me worry about Taylor, ok?" Somehow, yes comes out of my mouth. "Ok then it is a date", Braxon says smiling at me. I was on cloud nine, I found the perfect pink lace dress, pink shoes. He picks me up in his black Trans Am. I was in heaven. We walk into the dance together, me the nerdy girl with the quarterback, I was in Neverland. Taylor was there as well, glaring at me, she was with someone not from our school, looks a lot older, brown hair, kinda long, blue eyes, broad shoulders and a leather jacket with angel wings on the back. Braxon never takes his eyes off of me. At the end of the dance, I was floating on air, don't want to end, back to being the nerdy girl. Braxon whispers in my ear, "I want to show you something, trust me?" Sure, why wouldn't I. He led me out the field house, where athletes see the trainers after practice/games. Tables, a whirlpool, bandages. Not sure why we are there. Kinda exciting, just Braxon and me. He takes me into his arms, we begin to dance, no music needed, just the moonlight shining thru the window. I feel his lips on my neck, feels nice. Still dancing, I feel his hand cupping my breast, I pullback, no, no, not ready for this. "I'm sorry Braxon, I'm not ready for this, I think I just want to go home", I say to him. "Come on baby, we are just starting to have a good time, let me show you, I want to be your first", he says is a low sultry tone. "Please just take me home, I don't want this, or I can find a ride, that's ok", I say as I start backing up towards the door. I open the door to leave, I find Taylor and the guy from the dance standing in the doorway. "Where do you think you are going bitch," Taylor hisses at me, pushing me back into the room. "I'm leaving Taylor, I don't want to fight with you, please just let me go", I plead. "You are not going anywhere, C-Y-N-D-E-R!", Taylor draws out my name, glaring at me. I turn to Braxon, who has an evil smile on his face, licking his lips. "Happy Anniversary Baby, Taylor purrs to Braxon. Walks up to him and gives him a long sultry kiss. Blue eyes still standing at the door, not saying a word. Taylor and Braxon look at me, "guess what the present is, you and your virginity", Taylor says looking at me. "I told you she would take the bait baby, she is pathetic, but just what you wanted a virgin, never touched", Taylor said still glaring at me and hanging onto Braxon. "Daryl, bring her over here, now, just like I told you", Taylor yells to blue eyes. Daryl picks me up, lays me down on one of the tables, I look at him and pleaded with him, "please no, I don't want this, please don't do what she said, I don't want this, please help me!" Tears running down my face, he is still holding me, he looks into my eyes, let's go. "No way this is not for me, not into rape, don't need the cops on my ass, you said she was game for this, liked it rough, I'm outa here", Daryl says, he stops in the doorway, looks back at me, nods his head and leaves. Taylor pounces on me, pinning me down to the table. "Are you ready to unwrap your present baby?", Taylor purrs to Braxon. "More than ready", Braxon says to Taylor, still looking right at me. Braxon leans down, puts his knee between my legs, I try to close them, he won't let me. I feel his tongue lick up my neck, he had scooped out my breast, squeezes my nipple, runs his tongue are over my breast, then treats the other with the same. Taylor is laughing, Braxon helps her tie my arms to the legs of the table, puts a gag in my mouth. I try to go away from here in my head, stupid girl, why did you think he liked you, how could he, you are just a warm hole for him to fuck. I feel a hand reach up under my dress, no one has touched me there since that day 8 years ago when I was only 10 years old, I didn't want it then and I don't know. Memories of that day come flooding back. His hand continues into my folds, tears falling from my eyes, biting my lip so hard, blood is flowing. "So sweet, untouched", Braxon says as he lowers his head to lick and suck at my wet folds. I feel him push a finger inside me, I try to pull away. "So tight and wet for me aren't you Cynder", Braxon says still down in my folds. " I am going to tear up that virgin pussy baby and you are going to like it", he says looking at me with black eyes. This is how my first time will be, raped, tied up on a table in a locker room, no, this can't happen. Braxon stands up, drops his pants and boxers, revealing and engorged cock, "here it is baby, all for you, I know you want it, gonna make you bleed baby, bleed on my cock". He kicks my legs apart. "Take her now baby, I'm so fucking turned on right now", Taylor says to Braxon. Before he can get to me, I hear footsteps and voices in the hall. Mr. Romans and that guy, Daryl come running in. Daryl grabs Braxon, clocks him right on the jaw, knocking him to the floor and pummeling his face. Taylor runs for the door. Mr. Romans unties me, takes me in his arms, removes my gag from my mouth. "I am so sorry, this should have never happened, this is my fault", he says as he continues to hold me. "I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, I will make sure of that". All I hear is no one will hurt you anymore, I wish I had listened to everything he said.

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