Who are you?!

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I woke up and the Sun was penetrating my eyeballs. Sometimes I really think I am part vampire because me and the Sun really don't get along. I have school today and thank God it was Friday because school has been stressful. Yes I'm new, but American schools are so different!
(Time skip)
Walking down the hall I see a girl I've never seen before, which is weird because I've been here for a solid week now. Shes stood at  the locker next to mine so she was definitely in my year ...I mean Grade... And if her locker is next to mine I should've seen her before... Right?
"Hi" I said as I opened my locker.  I think I shocked her because she looked at me with her eyes bugging out of her head. She was actually extremely beautiful. She had deep blue hair which matched her eyes, they both resemble the ocean and honestly it's quite mesmerising. Her Plump pink lips parted to show her super straight super white teeth. And just above her pretty lips was a cute little button nose. For someone so beautiful. She didn't dress how you would expect her to. she was wearing a matching co-ord, which was at least six sizes too big, however she pulled it off so well. At this point I realised I've been staring at her and looking her up and down entirely too long. "Umm Hi" she says as I started to come back to my senses "oh yes sorry who are you... I mean, why haven't I seen you before... I mean-" I stuttered "my name is Billie" She cut me off with a chuckle "Hi Billie, I am Y/N" "Hi mama" she said looking down with a smile on her face, she look back up her smile replaced with a smirk . I blush completely and  stuck my head into my locker. "You haven't seen me, because it's my first day back. Why have I never seen you before and why do you sound so cute" she questioned "I'm a transfer from England." "Oh that explains a lot" I look down, while looks me up and down, probably exactly like what I did to her. So Y/N what's your first period !?" She asked, Once she had finished what look like Undressing me with her eyes. "Music in B10" I said showing her my schedule "let's go then" she said I assumed she had the same period. She touches my waist, pushing me to start walking towards B10

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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