Finally, He'd be able to stop her. Finally, he'd be able to rest at night, Knowing that all death caused by Cinder would cease and future deaths caused by her would end right here right now!
"right here," came a voice. Ichira stopped. his form completely stopped, quivering, something stopped his movement. something unnatural. Ichira saw as Cinder contorted from fear to maniacal laughter, Ichira looked in fear as Grimm-like bugs crawled out of her wounds and stitched it together before entering Cinder's mouth. Fear would be the one-word Ichira felt right now, the mechanics of her mouth breaking down the Grimm like bugs as she looked down on him.

"I wanted to show that I could defeat you with nothing but my weapon and aura, but looks like I have to show you what my goddess gave me master," As soon as Ichira felt his joints unlock from that frozen position, he launched himself away from Cinder.

immediately regretting it as the burning pain of superheated steel scratched his stomach. Spinning out of the way of the blade, Ichira groaned as he rolled on the grass, his blood spilling all over the lush greens of nature.

Ichira desperately tried to crawl away from her, pain searing from his stomach area. Cinder, exasperated by this sight. A man, her master, squirming away from the iron foot from her, the true master, how it should be. "You make me laugh Ichira," Cinder said, hovering her superheated sword right above his legs.

"Learn from Ibarra Ichira, he knew went to quit and used his brain, now he enjoys unlimited wealth and power, but you? you've lost that chance" Cinder dulled her blade with her hand and hacked it across Ichira's leg, laughing maniacally as she revelled in the sounds of his... screams?

Ichira stayed there, Cinder hacked away at his body, but to no avail. "Why aren't you in pain?!" Cinder screamed. Ichira looked at her in disappointment, in truth Ichira was in a lot of pain, cinder changed so much when she was just his student and seeing her turn like that, falling into the trap of greed and wealth just like so many others before her.

He never liked seeing men and woman like her getting tricked and tempted by those forces but I guess that's how the world works. but Jaune gave him hope, he will provide hope to others and so many people will follow him. 'But I guess I won't be able to see that hope.' Ichira lamented. weeping sadly as he sees Cinder stab him through his chest.

Cinder gasped as he sees the few wisps of life in Ichira fade away along with his warmth, the coldness of his dead body laid there like the forest still and in peace. "I've done what I needed, but at what cost?" Cinder said, looking up towards the light of the sun, she didn't know what to do know.

"Chase, higher" A voice appeared in cinder's mind,

"My goddess? what do you mean by that" cinder trembled falling to her knees hoping that Salem isn't disappointed.

"You have done well my child, he is but an obstacle for your true goal. for true power" the voice acknowledged, "Remember where you have started and look towards your goal, then you will be able to take the next step, my child"

"So rise"

Cinder stepped up from her kneeling position, she flicked the Grimm bug near her ear and walked back towards the darkness of the forest. "and rise I shall my lady," strutting confidently with a smug face on her face.

Mistrali Forests

In the following days after Cardin's and Jaune's awakening, they both had trained every day, making the most out of everyone. They had just woken up and gone into their morning run up the rocky mountains of Mistral.

"Hey Jaune, talking about that line you said days ago, what do you mean by turning the world upside down?" Cardin asked while running up the hill. In terms of training, Jaune and Cardin's haki were still at the middle beginner stages barely touching the later stages. Cardin was still learning the forms of movement for the warrior of mankind, or short WOM Forms.

Both Jaune and Cardin had 80kg weights on their bodies to maximise training output. Cardin also noticed that whenever he was training with Jaune, he had an uncanny ability to be able to learn things a lot faster and notice things in Jaune's form when learning something.

As Jaune and Cardin were scaling the mountain, Arc took a while to answer Cardin's question. "I don't really have a plan though," Jaune chuckled, Cardin deadpanning Jaune with an 'are you serious look on his face'. "My goal though was something about killing a witch, Ichira told me that those statues for the warriors of mankind hold vital information on defeating her, butI guess I want to change this, world, an equal chance for everyone. "

As they scaled the mountain they absorbed a beautiful view that encompassed all of Mistral city, "Beautiful isn't it," Cardin sighed, taking in the view of the city. grabbing the attention of Jaune as he looks at his friend. "You never really appreciate the things the city has built over the years when you're stuck on the street, you never get too see the bigger picture,"

Cardin chuckled to himself, as Jaune looked him sadly. the both of them just stood there as the light of the morning sun washed over the city, the winding sculptures of art scraped the sky as they reached for the clouds remembering humanity's reach for greater heights.

"If you want information for your quest to slay that witch, let's make our presence here," Cardin suggested, Jaune looked questionably at Cardin, "What do you mean?"

"Like any organisation that you are the leader of, if you want to turn ithe world upside down we need a presence in every kingdom," Cardin explained, Jaune slowly getting on to it. "What you need is an army."

"I see what you mean but how are we going to get one?"
Flashing a sly grin at Jaune, Cardin grabs him as they race downhill. "When you live in the deep grounds of like the streets of a city, there's a whole world you people don't know."

Mistral city, the underground

Cardin let Jaune down a winding labyrinth of sewer ways, Jaune's nostrils getting annihilated by the smell of poop and urine. "We're here," Cardin told, opening a corroded metal door leading to a large room, filled with 150 teens and children around 10-16 years old boys living under one room. "Cardin!" A few shouted, some of the younger ones hugging him. "Cardin, what is this place?"

"This is what we call the sanctuary. You know, in a world where the woman runs the place, what do you think will happen to all the unwanted men?" Cardin sadly explains. hitting Jaune like a rock, he looks around the homeless boys, left just because of their gender. Even though a little cruel, they were the perfect people for this operation to run right.

"I'll take them, Cardin," Jaune says, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I knew you'd take them, you have a good eye for people after all," Cardin laughed to himself. Standing up on a wooden crate he whistled to get the attention of everyone.

"Alright, everybody! I want y'all to listen to Jaune over here, he has a proposition for you!" Cardin shouted, offering Jaune up the crate.
"Alright, I know all of you have been beaten down, left on the side, and ignored by the world. But what I'm offering you is a chance, a chance for you to live in freedom, creating a world with an equal chance for everyone! Although it doesn't look like much, some of you believe you don't look like much, but use this chance, to say no to the fate that people put on you and make something out of yourself, AND PROVE THEM WRONG!" the room erupted with cheers as Jaune chuckled to himself,

"so, who wants to turn the world upside down?"

New Vote! suggest me your names for the organisation Jaune will lead! the 3 most liked will be go into the final vote next chapter! Remember to reply to the ones you like.

(won't be accepting joke ones.)

RWBY: Jaune, Warrior of MankindWhere stories live. Discover now