Ildarim's Arrow - Part 7

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"What the fuck is that?"Karina said as she pointed to an animal that was clinging to one of the bookshelves. Robert had surprised himself by jumping to his feet. The animal stared back at them motionless and unblinking.

"It's a monkey," Karina said. "Is it alive?"

"It's a honey bear," Lucien said from the other side of the room.

Robert and Karina turned to look at him. Lightning flickered beyond the windows.

"It's a Luvish honey bear, to be exact." Lucien said. "But don't be afraid. He's harmless."

"Ah...the mad scientist has decided to join us!" Robert said.

"I'm sorry," Lucien said as he approached. "I would have been there when your hopper arrived, but I was absorbed in my work."

"Is everything okay?" Karina said.

"Yes, but I've just been under a lot of stress. Didn't get much sleep last night. None, in fact."

"Have we come at a bad time?" Robert said. He raised his glass and emptied the contents down his throat.

"No," Lucien said. "It's not a bad time. Please stay. Something's come up, though. Pour me a glass of wine and I'll try to explain. I've discovered something in the library records, something that could rewrite the history books. Can I tell you about it?"

"Of course," Karina said.

"You're kidding, right?" said Robert. "What have you gotten yourself into now?"

"It concerns Walter Ildarim and the Arrow," Lucien said. "Apparently something very different happened on their trip to Tau Ceti than what we've been told in our schoolbooks."

"Do continue," Robert said as he handed Lucien a glass of wine. "I'm always in the mood for a revisionist yarn."

"Well, this shouldn't disappoint," Lucien said as he accepted the glass and took a long drink. "And Terrence, you might want to hear this, too."

"Please," Terrence said looking up from the carpet where he was cleaning up Karina's spill. "If it concerns Master Ildarim, I'd be very interested."

The lightning flickered and the thunder rumbled, and Robert sat back down in his chair while Karina found a seat on the couch. Terrence receded into the shadows while Lucien sat on the piano bench and took a deep breath.

"Why don't I start at the beginning, so you can get the story straight," Lucien said.

"Sounds like a plan," Robert said.

Karina swirled the wine in her glass and she lowered her eyelids.

"Well, It's been about 230 years since Walter Ildarim and the Arrow left Earth for Tau Ceti (what we now know as Ntara-Tvo, in Trehelian). We were all taught that Captain Ildarim and the crew had 'valiantly crossed the galaxy' to heroically explore Tau Ceti and make peace with the Trehelians...and to become the first Terrans to have legitimate contact with an alien species. The real story is different, though. The real story is, well, real."

"More wine, Terrence," Robert said as he raised his glass. "If it's not an imposition?"

"It took approximately twenty-six years for the Arrow to reach the Tau Ceti system," Lucien continued. "The ship's AI piloted the vessel while the crew was in coldsleep (there were maintenance intervals when a rotating detail was awakened, but this occurred only once every six months, and it's really not important here...) So, when the Arrow approached Tau Ceti, the entire crew of fifteen was brought out of hibernation, and this is where things get interesting."

"I sure hope this gets interesting," Robert said as he tipped his glass toward the bottle of wine Terrence was offering him.

"Come on..." Karina said. "Let him talk."

"So, as the crew came out of coldsleep (going through their exercise routines and vitamin and microbiota infusions and that sort of thing), they became aware that Captain Ildarim was having trouble shaking off the thaw. Everyone went through what was called 'coldsleep hangovers,' and this syndrome, if you will, could manifest itself in any number of physical and cognitive symptoms. (Of course, we're better at it now, but back then the recovery protocols were fairly primitive.) But these symptoms usually subside within a day or two. This wasn't the case with Ildarim, though.

"According to crew records, after three days the captain was still incapacitated. He couldn't remember the names of any of his fellow crewmembers nor could he remember his own name, for that matter. Apparently he had no idea where he was, and according to other officers' logs he would wander around the ship mumbling to himself, absently checking readout boards or checking on this or that, or listening for different noises in wall cavities or around climate vents. He was also exhibiting hoarding tendencies, like collecting salt packages and bundles of wire which he tucked away in the corners of his cabin."

"Creepy," Karina said.

"The old chap lost it," Robert said.

"Anyway, on the fourth day the lead officers met to discuss the situation, and it was Chief Medical Officer Eto who said that the captain was suffering from acute coldsleep emergence syndrome, or ACES, as it's called; the only diagnosed occurrence on their voyage, thus far.

"It was agreed, however, that the captain didn't appear to pose any danger to either ship or crew (or himself, for that matter), and that he should be permitted to function on his own, but only while under close observation. He'd been given the freedom to move about the ship and to be present on the bridge, and he was encouraged to participate in mission discussions, even though he was confused and intimidated by groups of people. According to the records, Eto felt that interaction with his environment was critical to his recovery. Sedation carried risks, Eto argued. If he unconsciousness were induced, and a neurological pathology were to develop, the crew would be unable to monitor his condition.

"As the Arrow moved into the Tau Ceti system, it became evident that the ship would be within striking distance of one of the habitable zone planets, Tau Ceti F (TCF), and First Officer Liu began preparing the Arrow for a reconnaissance flyby.

"TCF wasn't the mission's primary objective, however. Its primary objective was to visit TCE, which, after analysis on Earth, showed evidence of intelligent life, but TCE was almost two AUs away on the other side of Tau Ceti, and the crew of the Arrow was restless to get its mitts on tangible science. The idea to get a close look at TCF met with unanimous approval.

"As the Arrow entered high orbit around the surprisingly verdant and blue planet, a capsule of sensor probes was released, and some time later the images started to come in.

"TCF was beautiful, larger than Earth and awash in organic life. Water was everywhere, and massive poles were milk-white with ice. The near-Earth atmosphere was home to pollen, spores, and seeds, and clouds of winged creatures. On its surface, lumbering herds of quadrupeds traversed giant savannas, while packs of monkey-like animals dropped from trees as probes harassed them in their arboreal hideouts. By all estimation, this was a De Pier Stage 7B planet, wild and unsullied by sentient hands. If you were looking for paradise (by human standards), this planet might come close."

"Amazing," Krarina said.

"Good grief," Robert said as he again emptied his glass. "From my experience, paradise is never what it seems."

"Well, It was amazing," continued Lucien. "Captain Ildarim was on the bridge when many of the surface images appeared, and the logs mention that he stood awestruck in front of the main holo screen. 'Ahhh!' he said as he reached out. 'Now that's what I've been looking for!' (This phrase was quoted by many of the present crew.) And according to the logs, many were relieved. This was the first coherent sentence by the captain since he'd emerged from cold sleep, and it was believe that it might be evidence that he was turning the corner on his ACES.

"So, the Arrow established orbit around this new Eden, and while scanning data on the planet was collected and stored, the crew found an opportunity to settle in and relax. But while the crew dozed, and while those on watch were distracted, Captain Ildarim found his way to the landing skimmer, and he climbed on-board, opened the bay doors, and separated from the Arrow, and Ildarim was halfway to the planet before alarm was raised."

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