Our Doom

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In space and in time,
Everything costs more then a dime,
All I see is wide open space,
Soon I won't be able to feel my face,

Floating here I can see it all,
The world below will one day fall,
In space we all hope,
No one is able to cope,

From up here safe in my room,
I watch the worlds doom,
The others will adjust but not me,
For with out green grass I'll truly never be,

In this station we are trapped,
Even though it's all mapped,
I look out my window and I see starts,
It's hard to believe how close we are to mars,

I know the way we will be able to go back,
How long will that take do I unpack,
They say the world has been gassed,
We moved up here to the poison would not be passed,

I wish we could go home,
But I'm stuck here in this space dome,
This place is always cold,
I will get out no mater what it takes and yes I'm that bold,

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