Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

Kongpob held Arthit in his embrace and kissed his temple.

"Well then let's visit the orphanage and see what we can do about that."

"Are you serious Kong? We haven't talked about kids. Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure. Why wouldn't I want a family with you?  I love you Arthit. You will never be alone again."

"I love you too Kong. Thank you for this. It means so much."

Two years later...

"No running in the house. You and your sister are going to get it if you don't come here right now and eat your dinner." Arthit yelled up the stairs.

Two children, came running down the stairs, holding hands and laughing.

"What did I just tell you two?"

"Sorry Pa," they said in unison. "We won't do it again. Don't be mad Pa. We sorry."

They each grabbed one of Arthit's legs and squeezed while looking up at his face.

"Oh, how could I be mad at my two angels? You are too cute. Just remember that you could get hurt if you run. Pa doesn't want you fall and hurt yourselves. What would Daddy say, huh?"

Arthit ruffled their hair and they giggled.  The twin girls were a vision of loveliness. Each had lovely black hair and beautiful black eyes. Their cheeks were rosy and their faces full of love for their Pa. Kongpob and Arthit had adopted the twins, Anya and Natalia, almost two years ago from the same orphanage where Arthit grew up. They had been taken with them immediately. Anya was much like Kongpob, outgoing and always smiling. Natalia was like Arthit, quiet and bookish. She stuck to Arthit like glue.

"Daddy will be home soon, so let's have a seat at the table, while I finish preparing our dinner, okay?"

"Yes Pa. What are we eating today?"

"Your favorite, Pad Thai"

"YAY! Thank you, Pa! When is Daddy going to be home so we can gobble it up?"

Kongpob entered the dining room in time to hear his daughters ask about him. He snuck up behind them and grabbed them, kissing them both atop their heads.

"Is someone looking for their Daddy?"

The girls squealed and jumped out of their chairs, begging to be picked up. He easily scooped up both girls, bringing them to his chest and kissing their cheeks.

"Stop Daddy! It tickles."

"Does it? Daddy is sorry, babies." He pretended to be sorry and pouted.

"No pouting Daddy. Don't be sad." They both kissed either side of his face, making him smile again.

"Okay girls have a seat. Let me hug Pa."

"Yes Daddy."

The scrambled back onto their seats and giggled when they saw their Daddy snake his arms around their Pa's waist and kiss him on his neck.

"Umm, Kong."

"Umm, my angel. You smell so good."

"That's not me. It's the Pad Thai." He chuckled and smacked Kongpob on his arm.

"Trust me. It's not the Pad Thai I want to eat right now." Kongpob smirked and kissed Arthit again.

"Kongpob! What are you teaching our children?"

"That their Daddy loves their Pa. Problem?"

Arthit rolled his eyes and placed dinner on the table.

"Wash up and join your family at the table. You cheesy devil, you."

The girls giggled and pointed at Kongpob.

"Daddy is cheesy! Daddy is cheesy!"

Kongpob hugged Arthit from the back as they both stood in the doorway of their daughters' room, watching them sleep.

"They are beautiful, aren't they?"

"Yes. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you gave birth to them Arthit. They look so much like you. It's strange, but I love it."

"Thank you, Kong."

"For what?"

"For loving me. For marrying me. For giving me this family. I just love you so much."

"I love you too, my angel..."


A/N: Thank you all for taking this ride with me. There were a lot of ups and downs for our lovebirds, but in the end, they made it. This was a labor of love for me and I appreciate each of you for taking the time to read it. My next Peraya story is coming your way.

It's going to be called "A Rose Amongst Thorns."

See you soon. 😊

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