He rolled his eyes and murmured an "I know". I grabbed my dress and walked back into the closet. The dress was a bit tight around my feminine zones and I hoped nobody would comment it.

"Do you have some make up?" I shouted.

"You don't need any, just go without any." I heard him shouting back.

Annoyed I walked out of the closet and hit his arm. His eyes widened when he saw me in the dress.

"Give me some make up! I won't go out with these eye bags!" I said through gritted teeth.

"My babe can get angry too? Should I be afraid?" He mocked me.

He saw the change in my expression and ran out of the room.

"You punk!" I screamed and ran behind him.

I saw confused TXT members in the hallway and Soobin suddenly stopped me from running behind the blonde male.

"What happened, Yuna?" He asked me.

My heart stopped when I felt his gaze on me. There was the weird feeling again.

"He didn't want to give me some make up and then I got angry and this idiot mocked me!" I rolled my eyes.

Soobin let go off my arm and turned around to give me something else.

"I think you will need this more than make up." He handed me a P5 and a black bag with it.

"Thank you, but I still want a concealer." I whined.

Now it was his time to roll his eyes. I saw that he was annoyed by my behaviour and he eventually brought me into a bathroom with some basic make up in.

"Thank you again." I kissed his cheek.

I felt how his cheeks got hot and he fastly left me alone in the room.

This is easier than I thought. Soobin isn't aware of him being soft for me; maybe I can reach my goal faster than I hoped.

Fastly I put on some concealer and some blush to calm down my appearance. The dress still was too tight for my thinking but now it was too late to change it.

I came out of the room and suddenly 5 pairs of eyes were on me, eyeing me from head to toe.

Then they all started to talk and I couldn't understand anybody.

"One can talk not all 5 at the same time." I shouted.

They all stopped talking, I saw Beomgyu being silent at first and waiting for someone else to grab the chance to talk.

"Who the hell gave you that dress? You're not wearing that!" Yeonjun exclaimed.

Now all of the eyes were on him, while we were waiting for him to continue.

"I decided that but I didn't think it would be that tight on her, but we don't have any other option now." Soobin said.

He was gulping when he was eyeing me and I felt his intense stare.

"Guys, you don't need to worry about me, I'm used to it that people will look at me." I tried to calm them down.

Or maybe I was trying to calm me down.

"I will give you a jacket of mine and then it will look a bit more stylish." Taehyun fastly said and he was back in less than a minute.

He threw a leather jacket at me and I gladly caught it.

I tried the jacket on and it fitted me better than the dress and now I could hide my back with the P5 in it better than before.

All of them were silent now and I again decided to speak up again.

"Why do I need a gun, I thought we were going out?" I said.

All of them opened their suits and I saw various weapons, from guns to knives, everything that you could fit in a pocket.

"We are, but there is going to be deal and we need you to confirm some identities." Soobin answered.

I only nodded. All of them started to walk and I tried to catch up with Soobin, but Beomgyu held me inconspicuous back at the hem of the jacket.

"You look way too good in this dress; all of them are nearly drooling. Watch out for thirsty eyes." He whispered.

I hoped nobody heard him and instead of answering him I freed myself and caught up with Soobin. He took my hand and my heart stopped at the thought of Beomgyu seeing this.

I need to act like everything is normal.

We all sat down in a black SUV and Yeonjun sat down on the driver's seat. He started to drive and the ride was silent until my two sit neighbours started to go onto my nerves.

Soobin was sitting on my left and still held my hand, while Beomgyu was on my right and his hand slit behind my back to pinch me.

"Can you tell me a few information about this evening? What is going to happen?" I tried to concentrate on my words.

"Jungwoo wants to make a deal with a pharmacy, but we're not sure about what medicaments they're talking about. They always declare it as a PB5-C and we didn't find any similar medicament to it." Yeonjun answered.

When I heard the name of the medicament everything in me began to ring.

"I know this medicament, it's against schizophrenia and hallucinations, but it's not on the market yet, it's not safe for humans, since it contains cobalt and lead." I said.

"What do you mean by yet?" Soobin gripped my hand harder.

"We tested the medicament on volunteers and some of them did survive, even though they had heavy metals in them. We found out that if we mix something into the medicament the cobalt and the lead won't be as toxic as without it. When all this happened we nearly had the deal with pharmaKy." I sighed and looked down.

"I didn't want it to go public since it still had a risk, but Jinwoo didn't listen and it seems Jungwoo also doesn't care."

Yeonjun suddenly sped up and I saw the favourite restaurant of Jungwoo in front of us.

"We need to stop that deal. Maybe we need to talk to Jungwoo beforehand." I said.

"Do you have an idea? We only where here to observe everything." Soobin said.

"I know how we can talk to Jungwoo, but I need your help for that and all of you need to trust me." I hoped this would work.

All of them looked at me and nodded.

This is really a lot easier than I thought, I said smirking inside me.

Thank you for the birthday wishes! I'm sorry that it took me so long again :(


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