
"You aren't going to talk me out of this." She cut Natasha off. She used her foot to kick Vince over on to his side.

"Scarlett, baby. I-I was given-I was given orders by Pierce." He panted out, his hands clutching the wound on his side. "How much do you know?"

"Pretend I know everything." Scarlett put her foot over his hands and pressed down on his deep stab wound. He cried out at the pain but she didn't let up.

"Scarlett, someone's going to hear him." Bucky told her. The dark haired woman shot the Winter Solider a sharp glare before taking her foot off of Vince.

"He-He wanted me to give-give-give you some kind of poison. He said it would only slow you down." Vince stopped for a moment, his eyes squeezing shut as he sucked in short, choppy breaths through clenched teeth. "Put you in a coma. He-He wants to get you to the facility in Moscow. Wipe your memory."

Scarlett locked her jaw, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Vince's booted foot suddenly made contact with her inner thigh and then again with her lower stomach. He was on his feet in a matter of seconds, throwing a punch for Scarlett's face. She caught his wrist and pulled him into her arms so that his back was to her chest. Her right arm wrapped securely around his neck while her opposite hand came up to the back of his head.

Her lips were pressed together in a thin line. Though her heart was racing in her chest, she appeared calm on the outside. Her eyes stared blankly down at the shattered coffee table Vince had just gotten himself off of.

"I-I love you, Scarlett."

"That was your mistake." She whispered to him. A sickening crack seemed to echo through the room. She let his limp body fall to the floor and took a step back so he wouldn't fall on her. She gazed down at him, feeling some sort of aching, burning sensation rise in her stomach. She had killed him, the man she had been with for ten years.

"Scarlett." Natasha murmured her name. "We need to go."

Scarlett wanted to object, saying she didn't have a home or that she didn't deserve the safety of the Tower. But a wave of exhaustion seemed to wash over her at the sight of Vince Warren on the floor. It wasn't a physical exhaustion. It was a mental and emotional one, one that she wasn't used to.

She picked up her gun and knife and swiftly left the hotel room.


As soon as the doors to the elevator were parted just enough, Scarlett slipped out and briskly moved across the room towards the door to her room. Pietro had been waiting and waiting for her to get back. When he heard the elevator ding, he was on his feet.

Natasha and Bucky moved out of the elevator and the doors closed. They whispered something to each other before parting. Bucky went down the hall to Scarlett's room while Natasha lingering in what would be considered the living room space on the floor Scarlett shared with Peter, Wanda and Vision, and Pietro.

"Is she okay?" Pietro asked Natasha.

"Physically, she's fine. But Pietro, I really think you need to take a step back from her." Natasha stood close enough to the Quicksilver so that she could whisper quietly. Scarlett had exceptional hearing. All the Widow could do was hope her daughter didn't hear her. "She just killed the kid she's been seeing for a long time."

"He was planning on killing her." Pietro nodded his head. He knew what Natasha was trying to tell him, but he didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to be told what he already knew.

"I know, Pietro." Natasha sat down on the edge of the sofa. She leaned forward with her elbows on her knees and her head down. "What I'm saying is that.... that she may show signs that she feels something for you but I-I don't know if she really is capable of feeling anything."

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