After this there was a tall rope net to climb up and a metal poles that sloped from the top to the ground which many grabbed like a sloth with their arms and legs then inched down. Then all they had to do was run between the finishing posts a metre away. This was where the coach was waddling to.

Riley readied herself for the whistle. She had a plan. She also knew that Jay was going to be timing on his phone to make sure that Coach didn't lie about the time.

The whistle blew.

Riley ran to the chain bridge but instead of placing her sneakered feet randomly on the chain like so many did, she swung her body down the bars and stepped wherever the chain was connected to the supports. The chain was tighter here and she didn't go swinging around. Landing on the platform she used her momentum to jump high onto the wall and grab some hand holds. This was just her lean strength as Riley landed halfway up, vertically crouched as her feet were on a hold that would be level with her thighs. She jumped up off the hold and her hands reached the top. She quickly swung herself over the top and down the pole, dropping from halfway so she didn't burn her hands.

Riley knew already that her current time was faster than most people at this stage. So she continued with her plan. Grabbing the handles for the monkey bar ladders, she climbed then grabbed the first monkey bar. This was where most people lost because they couldn't carry themselves across such a long set of monkey bars. She didn't need to though. Placing her feet on top of the handles she pulled herself up on top of the bars and walked as fast as she could over the top of them without falling. Though to her the walking was slow, it was definitely faster than swinging below them. When Riley got to the end she turned around grabbed the last bar that she was standing on and leant back so she moved to below the bars. She moved her feet onto the small ladder then jumped backwards off it.

Turning, she ran towards the net but angled to the side. Everyone stuck to the middle but Riley knew that where the rope was attached to the wooden posts was where it was easiest to climb. She did this and scampered up the side of the net without the hard swinging that slowed people down. When she got to the top she sat on one of the poles sideways and made sure she was balanced before sliding down it. Landing at a run, she sprinted between the posts.

Riley turned to walk back to Coach Busty once she slowed down. She smirked at his shocked face.

"Uhhh," he stammered. "Impressive time but you didn't follow the rules for the course."

Jay sauntered over.

"Actually," he interrupted, "the only rules on the sign say that someone just has to complete the course, no skipping or sabotaging obstacles. Riley did every bit of equipment just differently."

"And," he continued, "she's bet the overall school record by 29 seconds."

Jay compared his phone with the Coach's stopwatch. The teacher just swallowed thickly and nodded as the numbers matched up with only a few milliseconds difference.

The rest of the class had stopped staring in shock and started walking over. They waited for the news.

Riley gestured at the class with a slight half nod in their direction which meant 'Tell them Coach. Tell them your plan backfired.'

Coach Busty cleared his throat.

"There um, seems to be uh, a new school record. Congratulations Ms Fawkes," he announced, his voice cracking on the congrats.

The class erupted into different conversations about this news. Penny's friends consoled her as they squeaked "She cheated. It doesn't count."

Typically, most of the guys stared at Riley more intensely and Jay just laughed with her over Coach Busty's face.

When everyone had calmed down the Coach ordered everyone to lineup for the course. Jay got ready for the whistle and when it blew he did the course the same way Riley did however he couldn't move as fast over the bars. He set a new record for the boys but everyone knew that Riley held the school record now. He was 11 seconds slower than her. The rest of the class didn't even come close.

"Maybe with more practise ay?" she teased as she poked his arm.

"I'm not worried," he replied waving away her hand. "Except about how Penny the competitive perfectionist looks like she wants to murder you."

Riley glanced at her out of the corner of her eye and burst into laughter. Penny was bright red and was puffing her checks out in anger.

"She looks like a sunburnt squirrel!" Riley managed between laughs. Then she burst out again after thinking about a small angry squirrel trying to beat out her brains with an acorn. This time Jay joined in, his deep laughter mixing with her cackles.

Penny stormed off to the changing rooms. There was something in her expression that was unsettling.

"Better go make sure she's not ruining your belongings," Jay prompted.

Riley thought about her shoes and sprinted after Penny. She was just in time to see her holding her beloved black Converse towards the toilet.
Riley yanked her away by her arm and grabbed her shoes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing," she shouted at Penny.

"No one beats me you emo reject! I'm gonna make your life hell," shrieked a furious Penny. Strike that. A psychotic Penny. Who was currently about to slap her.

Riley caught her hand before the lunatic could land the stinging blow. This was getting familiar. Last time it hadn't ended well for her opposition. It ended six feet under. Riley couldn't go there again. Not even a slap.

Threats would have to do.

"Listen you maniac. The reason I'm over here is coz the last person who I got in a fight with was buried in the local cemetery afterwards." Not entirely true, she was cremated. "If you don't back off and leave me alone history might repeat itself."

Penny's eyes widened and she shrunk back. She scrambled for the door.

"Oh Penny!" said Riley in a hard voice. Pause in the doorway. "Don't tell anyone." Or else the silence spoke for her.

"What happened?" Jay asked. "Penny came out as white as Coach's sock tan lines."

Riley looked at the ground.

"She threatened me and tried to slap me so I threatened her," she mumbled.

Jay put an arm around her shoulders. He knew.

"Well you won that battle," Jay joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yea. I've been winning a lot today haven't I?" Riley half smirked, trying to get back to her teasing self.

Jay just narrowed his eyes while Riley laughed.

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