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(Real quick. This is after Riley arrived at the school. I thought of the idea just now and can't be bothered to move all the parts around so it's here instead)

The whistle blew.

"Alright boys and girls can I have your attention!" Coach Busty ordered rather than asked. His real name was Coach Buster but he had the biggest man boobs anyone had ever seen so he was called Busty instead.

The PE class standing on the field stared at him. Riley and Jay froze their play headlock match and looked up at him as well.

"I want everyone to set a new record for themselves on the obstacle course. The highest record for the boys is currently held by Jay in this class and the highest for the girls is Penny."

Penny, a preppy girl who was on the cheer leading squad and track, flicked her black ponytail off her shoulder. She was fast, especially since most of the other girls in the class's didn't bother trying. Riley sat out for the first PE class because she didn't have the uniform yet and had watched instead. Now the black singlet and shorts had her participating and to her disgust, an invitation for the guys to stare. It didn't help that her tattoos were on show. The ravens down her left shoulder blade and the Maori patterns around her right upper arm her in plain view. Same with more Maori designs on the back of her right leg.
Jay had glared off the wolf whistles and gave Riley a warning.

"Be careful of some of the guys in this school. I'm serious, they're not ones to take no for an answer if you get my meaning," he had informed with a concerned tone.

"Duly noted," Riley had said.

Coach Busty gave the two friends a look of disdain.

"Please refrain from 'getting it on' so to speak in my class Ricks and Fawkes," he stated.

Jay thought about how their position did look a bit compromising. His arm was around her waist from behind however the other was forming a headlock that Riley was currently half out of. He was about to say something about the Coach's view of the 'situation' but the feisty girl pushing out of his headlock bet him to it.

"You must have some weird action if you think this is 'getting it on'," Riley began with a smirk. "In fact, I bet this is the closest you've ever been to 'action' (air quotes)."

Jay silently chuckled while watching Coach's face darken. His friend was something else. Better than most of the students in the school and he had only known her for about a week. Already they were comfortable around each other. Never a dull moment either.

"For that Fawkes you and Ricks get a week's detention and you're going first for the obstacle course, then your friend," Coach Busty spat.

Riley wasn't bothered. Neither was Jay although he was frustrated with Coach because Riley didn't know the course. She'd seen it completed but hadn't done it herself.

"Fine," she shrugged.

Walking over to the course she overheard Jay whisper good luck and Penny snicker along with her friends.
The class followed, eager to see how it would pan out. The course consisted of a long lineup of different obstacles so they went to side to get a better view. She would first have to cross a chain bridge that was one long chain that dropped then rose before every chain support that attached to the bars on either side. The platform at the end had a rock climbing wall then a fireman's pole to drop to the ground.

Then there was a long forty bar set of monkey bars held over the ground by two wooden posts at each end. These posts each had a small ladder between them and two handles that stuck out on each post, supposedly for people to grab when they climbed the tiny ladder to get to the bars.

Misfit KidsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora