Chapter 13; Classes. Great

Start from the beginning

"Protecting your boyfriend?~" I sing-songed. I received two identical glares.
"All of you, stop bickering, we should be in class" Abigail spoke up, sensibly. "Anyways, bye Nott, Davis, Zabini."
"If I'm going to harass you, I might as well force you to call me by my first time." I winked at her. She laughed.
"Pathetic. You can't think of your own line to joke with? Next time, wink at something reasonable, not using Malfoy's joke. Plus, I'm an introvert. What can I say?" Abigail laughed (I thought of "What can I say except your welcome" when writing this. I was going to reference it before I realised there's no reason she'd say that, I even wrote it before I forced myself to delete that line.)

Tracey Davis' Point Of View

"My first name." Blaise mumbled.
"Again, pathetic, but, a good try." She told him, acting as if Blaise was a salty toddler. Well, I mean he is but, nobody says it to his face.
"Prat." he mumbled.
"Imbecile." Abigail added. Idiot? He's pretty stupid, but I wouldn't say it to his face.
"Can you guys stop acting up and arguing and just go to class, you did just say that we should go to classes." Theo put in, before Black could answer. Black then left the common room.
"Jeez, dude, way to ruin the fun. Eh, at least I got to say the last insult!" Blaise murmured. Yeah, that's normal for people to say. Well, it's Blaise, what other explanation?
"C'mon, we need to go to Transfiguration with the Gryffindors." I mumbled. I turned on my heels to go to transfiguration.
"Davis. Nott. Blaise." Potter stopped us, going into our way. So irritating.
"What do you want?" I questioned.
"H-how's Abigail? You guys are friends with her so..." he asked. He cares about her? Wow...
"She's doing great, she seems to be especially close with Blaise here." Theo answered. True. He gestured to Blaise before continuing.
"She also speaks with Lupin quite often whenever she sees him. I'd say she's doing great. Especially with her being proud of figuring out Theo's secret in literally two days. She's pretty resourceful and clever, y'know?" Blaise added.
"Don't change the subject. You're closest to Abigail... damn, I was hoping it would be a girl. Don't hurt her, ok?" Potter added.
"Aren't we both too young? Let alone Abigail. Plus, she still calls me Zabini." Blaise asked. "Plus, I'd never hurt her. She seems too, well, innocent to go through things like that." He assured potter. Theo mumbled something alone "what I found out says otherwise", but not hatefully, more in a concerned way. He figured it out? That must be what he was questioning.
"But how come she already found out a secret of yours, Nott? Are you that obvious?" Potter teased.
"Nope. If he was, Tracey would've figured it out." Blaise assured him, "me and Trace only know because he blurted it out."
"I didn't even know it was true until last summer!" Nott exclaimed.
"Ok, this is getting unrelated. Bye, Slytherins!" Potter waved and then went off.

No Point Of View

Jason walked into the potion's classroom to see that the only person in the class was Abigail. He sat down next to her and smiled. She smiled back.
"Good morning, class. Put away your wands. There will be no pointless wand-waving or silly incantations in this class." Snape walked in. "How pointless to only have one Slytherin and then a lot off Hufflepuffs. I guess we can't expect anyone to finish this before the end of class." He sneered. "Can anyone tell me what the difference between monkshood and wolves-bane? Nobody else? Black..."
"Monkshood and wolvesbane have no differences, they are both the same plant, also gone by the name of aconite." Abigail insisted. Snape scowled.
"Think you're so smart, now do you? Well then, what do I get if I added the powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He asked. (Author's note: I know that lily isn't dead so this is pointless, it's just that I know nothing else and he would ask impossible questions, either way.)
"The draught of living death, sir." Abigail insisted. Jason smiled at her as Snape scowled.
"Open up your textbooks and work in partners to make the shrinking solution." He instructed. Abigail got out all of the ingredients while Jason opened up the textbook. They both began with the potions. When they were finished (the only one's and Snape didn't realise this), he went over to their potion.
"I see you both are just as awful as miss Black's father with potions..." Snape commented. Abigail glared.
"I'll have you know that we've finished the potion, Professor." Jason sneered. Abigail started at him, so did the rest of the class.
"10 points from Hufflepuff for your attitude." Snape commanded.
"O-oh, sir... I have a question. Have you heard of the most deadly potion?" Jason asked, defeated.
"What is it, Lupin." He scowled.
"Shampoo." Jason told him, bluntly. Some of the class laughed.
"Detention with me for the rest of the week, Lupin! And you'll be spending it with a fellow Ravenclaw." Snape yelled.
"Salty, sir? I didn't know that was possible with all of that grease you have? Will we be cleaning your hair? It is much needed." Abigail asked, smirking. The whole class laughed.
"Best- Slytherin- Ever!!!" Someone had exclaimed.
"You too, Black. I see you have your father's hate for rules. Had he followed them, maybe he'd have ended up a better person and with a better child." Snape sneered.
"Had my father followed rules, he'd be an arrogant, prejudiced prick." Abigail mumbled under hear breath. "He wasn't and do he was a better person then you'll ever be. Maybe, had you been a good person, you'd have ended up with the love of your life." She sneered.
"How did you- Detention for the rest of the month! And 50 points from Slytherin! Class dismissed." He yelled. She smiled proudly and skipped out of the class.

****** (they look like snow flakes so: Snow, Flake, Winter, Tom [he was born in New Years] Leanna and Abigail [both OCs born in the snow])

"Hey Abigail, we saw that fifty points were taken from Slytherin and 15 from Hufflepuff. What happened?" Blaise asked.
"Oh yeah... about that..." she mumbled. "I may or may not have insulted Snape after he gave Jason detention for some things... I also got a month's worth of detention... Don't look at me like that, Davis, Nott!!!"
"You're so stupid." Theo mumbled.
"I know. It's my favourite thing to do." Abigail told him. "And it takes someone stupid to find out your sexuality."
"And I thought he'd have ended up with Tracey." Blaise mused.
"As if!" Tracey laughed.
"Hey guys, I need to go to detention... bye!" Abigail waved before going off.

She began walking around the school before waiting outside Snape's office. She heard two people talking. One Snape and one another girl.
"Professor, when are they both coming?" The girl asked.
"Black and Lupin will be on their way shortly. As you wait, please begin on the detention." Snape instructed.
"Black, But-" the girl started.
"Shut it. Do your work." He told her. She nodded solemnly before doing the detention. Abigail then walked in. "Oh, Abigail Sirius Black. Yo7 walk into detention so arrogantly. Now, would you care to join this young girl in doing the detention or will you just stand there like a prat?"
"Professor, what is the detention?" Abigail asked.
"You shall clean up the cauldrons, miss Black. Even an imbecile would know, seeing as the other is cleaning up the cauldrons. Or are you blind?" Snape sneered.
"No, Sir, but I appreciate the worry. I'm just idiotic, not a big deal." She assured him, her tone bitter. She didn't sound as if she was being witty, more as if she was going back at an old memory. It was almost concerning to the stranger. Soon, Jason came and the detention was over. Abigail headed calmly to her common room and fell asleep almost instantly in her lonely bed.

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