Chapter 1: The Long Journey

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"Mum, dad? Where is the platform? I can't find Platform 9 and 3/4 anywhere, do you think it's hidden?" A female voice from behind Harry asked.
"We don't know, sweetie." A different and older male voice responded.
"Is this her first time to Hogwarts?" Harry's Mother, Lily Evans, asked the two parents and the younger girl, seeing the struggle to find the platform.
"Errr... Yes. Neither of us are magical and so we don't know how to get to the platform, could you please tell us?" The Male voice pleaded.
"Of, of course! It's my son's first year, too! You just need to take your trolley and push towards the wall in between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a run if you are scared." Lily instructed. Harry and James, his father, had both heard this and were curious as to what was going on.
"Thank you for the information, miss. Bye mum, bye dad!" The bushy brown-haired girl, who had first spoken, waved to her parents and walked onto the platform. James told Harry what to do and he entered after her.
"Uhh... Hello?" Harry greeted the girl, nervously.

"Oh Hello there. I'm Hermione Granger, what about you?" Hermione asked.
"Harry, Harry Potter. I saw my mother helping you, are you muggle-born?" Harry asked. "Nevermind, sorry if I sounded rude!" Harry then flushed a slight shade of red out of his embarrassment.
"Oh, it's fine! You shouldn't be flustered, it wasn't offensive. But yes, I am. I was the first witch in my family, it was ever such a surprise, I'm glad, of course! It was the best school of witchcraft and wizardry there is!" Hermione Granger exclaimed, cheerfully.
"My parents both went there, they said it's amazing. What class are you the most exited for?" Harry asked,
"I've memorised all of the textbooks and Charms seems the most interesting. I've tried a few simple spells, but they've all worked for me! I just hope that's enough!" Hermione stressed.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine! I'm sure that most people don't know much about any of the subject so, if anything, I think you'll have a head start." Harry reassured her. "Should we go onto the train? It might go soon."
"Oh, sure!" Hermione replied.

They both went onto the train and went into the back corner compartment, which happened to be empty. Harry saw something on top of the door before he had come in and he smiled at the writing on the material.

J.P, S.B, R.L, P.P

Harry smiled at the writing before sitting on the window seat, Hermione then sat in front of him.
"What did that writing mean?" Hermione asked, curiously.
"It's the initials of my father and my friends; James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew." I explained. "They did it in their fifth year. It was because this was meant to be their special compartment." I chuckled lightly and she smiled.
"What class are you looking forward to?" Hermione asked.
"Defence Against The Dark Arts. I basically know the whole book off by heart. The other class textbooks... well, I could barely remember much. I do know quite a bit about some of the plants used in potions." Hardy replied.
"Uhm, excuse me?" A redhead appeared at the door. Hermione looked at him and Harry waited a moment before glancing in his direction. "May I please sit here? All of my brothers are already in different compartments and I don't really know anyone..."
"Yeah, sure. Sit down." Harry gestured to the seat beside him.
"Thanks." The boy sat down. "By the way, I'm Ron Weasley."
"Hermione Granger, pleasure to meet you." Hermione told him.
"I'm Harry Potter. Nice to meet you, Ron." Harry told him, then he grinned genuinely.

"Have you both been friends for a long time?" Ron asked, "you seem pretty close."
"Not really, we just met when his mother kindly helped me with getting onto a platform. My parents don't have magic so they couldn't help me." Hermione admitted.
"Oh Cool! My dad is really interested in muggles!" Ron exclaimed.
"Muggles?" Hermione asked.
"Non -Magical people. People in America call them no-maj." Ron explained.
"Ok, I understand now." Hermione nodded

"Anyways, thanks for letting me stay in this compartment with you guys. I thought I was going to be alone for the whole time. What house are you hoping to be in?" Ron asked, curiously.
"Ravenclaw sounds nice for me but Gryffindor is also very admirable." Hermione stated.
"I'm sure you're fit for a Ravenclaw. You basically memorised the entirety of all of your textbooks!" Harry exclaimed, genuinely.
"What house are you both hoping for?" Hermione asked.
"My whole family have been in Gryffindor. I wouldn't live it down if I ended up a lousy Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw is impossible for me and I'm not brainy and, well, Slytherin has most dark wizards in it." Ron admitted.
"My whole family, godparents and pretty much everyone I know have been a Gryffindor but I don't really mind. My godfather makes it clear how he hates Slytherin so I don't really think I'd want to be there..." Harry mumbled.
"So I guess we all think of Gryffindor as our ideal choice..." Hermione summed up.
"Yeah, But two of us because of family and you because you idolise the qualities." Harry agreed
"Do you guys have any siblings? I have six..." Ron changed the subject.
"Nope, I'm an only child." Hermione replied.
"I'm an only child but I've got a god-sister and someone who is basically my god-brother so, I guess that would count." Harry explained.
"Are they in this year?" Ron asked.
"They're both either a few months or a year younger then me, so no. Next year they'll probably be here..." Harry responded. For the rest of the ride Harry and Ron were talking actively while Hermione was reading. They did try to get her to stop reading and talk to them but she just shook her head and read on. When they finally got to Hogwarts, they were met by a large giant-like man.
"Firs' years over 'ere!" The man was bellowing, gesturing to a couple of boats.

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