Chapter 10; No Matter What

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Ok, so the house chosen for Abigail Black was on Harry Potter Amino and it was on for a little while before it was taken down. The result was 66.7% for the winning score and 33.3% as the losing score. The end result/ winner will be a surprise!

"Look! That's Hogwarts!" Jason exclaimed.
"Woah... I thought Potter Manor was big enough!" Abigail exclaimed.
"You live in Potter manor?" Ginny questioned.
"Mine, Jason and Harry's families are all great friends so we live together." She explained.
"Mmmk." Ginny mumbled. Abigail mumbled something inaudible and when Jason looked at her curiously she just shrugged.
"Abby, do you think I'll be a Gryffindor?" Jason asked, concerned.
"Why so, Jace?" Abigail asked.
"I-I dont r-really want to be in G-Gryffindor but, you say I'm reckless sometimes and Harry told me he'd see me in Gryffindor and... what would happen if I'm not? Like, maybe I'm a Hufflepuff..." Jason mumbled, worry evident in his quiet tone. He looked down. Abigail hugged him and when she pulled him away she lifted his chin to make him look at her.
"It doesn't matter what house you're in, no matter what you'll always be the same Jason Lupin I know. To be honest, recklessness isn't the only quality of Gryffindor. I'm guessing you want to be in Hufflepuff?" Abigail guessed. Jason nodded before she continued. "You're reckless but in a loyal way. Gryffindors are like that because they want the glory" this received a glare from Ginny "while Hufflepuffs would save the day because they're fiercely loyal and they believe it's what's right. You're Gryffindor but in a Hufflepuff way. You're loyal, fair and patient. Well, at least when you're not stealing cookies." Abigail laughed and Jason joined in.

"You just made it sound like Gryffindors are the worst house." Ginny added.
"Well, it's the truth. Do you know the saying 'pretty lies, ugly truths'? It's kind of the case but, sometimes you need to be truthful if it's going to help even if it doesn't help others." Abigail explained.
"That sounds Slytherin." Ginny told her, bluntly, "in a Ravenclaw type of way."
"Harry did a bet with Draco while you were away saying he'd bet you were a Ravenclaw but Dragon guy bet you'd be a Gryffindor because your father was Sirius Black and none of his children could possibly be any other house. I voted with Harry." Jason chuckled. Abigail frowned and looked away sadly before falsely smiling to cover up her thoughts. Luna noticed this and gave Abigail a smile of reassurance.
"Thanks, Lovegood." Abigail mouthed.
"Call me Luna." Luna Lovegood insisted. Abigail smiled. Jason was confused but was unable to question further as the students were told to be on their way to the great hall for the Sorting.

Jason and Abigail spotted Harry waving cheerfully at them mouthing "good luck!". McGonagall explained all of the houses before then asking Abigail to go to the headmaster's office for a quick chat; everyone looked at her but she just walked to the office, knowing the way only because of how she'd studied the marauder's map duplicate that the marauders made for themselves. A couple of names were called. Luna was sorted into Ravenclaw and soon it was Jason's turn. Harry was mouthing "Go Jace! Be Brave!" To him, the word brave made Jason think Harry was expecting him to be a Gryffindor. He seemed upset but Harry didn't notice. Jason got the hat onto his head.

Curious... you want to be a Hufflepuff but you don't know how Harry will react. That's true loyalty, you know?


Yes now let's put you with the others like you in...

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat bellowed for all to hear. Harry looked shocked but began clapping furiously. It was time for Ginny's Sorting when Abigail finally came back. The hat almost immediately called "GRYFFINDOR!" And finally Abigail was up. She nervously walked over to the stool.

Curious... a ready mind, yes... yet so intelligent

Abigail was worried about the answer... what if Harry was disappointed in her house? She seemed like a Ravenclaw to him but she also was quite Slytherin at times...

Worried about what they think... you have a thirst to prove yourself as more then just a bookworm to copy off of and tease; you want to show that you can still be mischievous and resourceful... yet you're full of book smarts, though you do lack wit. You're fiercely loyal to those you care about and brave when it matters. Hufflepuff is off the hook, your loyalty is more selective. That's an unknown Slytherin trait, y'know?

'I do know. I read it a couple of times and I figured... do you really think I will be able to prove myself in Slytherin and that I won't just be hated by my family. My father hates that house...'

I'm sure, yes. It would also prove that some Slytherins have good intentions inside of them. For instance, Merlin. Hmm... it's been 6 minutes now... I guess I must sort you with the others with your resourceful attitude, ambition and cunning in...

"Slytherin!" The hat bellowed. Jason was bored but he immediately froze shocked at the word. Harry just gaped. So did all of the people that knew her. People had known that this was the daughter of Sirius black so they were shocked. She froze, thinking that it must be wrong and that she should have just been in Ravenclaw... it was an option. She then realised a minute had passed and just went over to the Sltherin table, who were clapping unenthusiastically, apart from Blaise Zabini, who was next to her. Facing her was a gasping Draco Malfoy
"Damn. I thought you'd be Gryffindor. It took so long I'd really thought that you'd be there or Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff even seems more reasonable then here..." Draco Malfoy muttered.
"What can I say? I got sorted here... I just bet that my godfather (Remus) already had a 'congratulations for being in Ravenclaw' letter ready to post and that he's now going to have to get the progress away..." Abigail mumbled to herself.
"It can't be that bad, can it?" Zabini asked.
"Yes, it can... My father hates Slytherin. All Black Slytherins apart from his favourite cousin were pureblood fanatics. Harry is just against Slytherin most of the time. Jason is a bit to naive at times... I guess I'm just lucky I'm not a goddamn extrovert and that I like being alone..." Abigail told him in reply.
"Too bad if you wanted to be alone here; Blaise basically wants to befriend any Slytherin before Pansy either torments or corrupts them. He wouldn't leave you alone until he knows your fine from Pansy's maniacal nonsense." Malfoy told her, reassuringly.
"Aren't you friends with her, though?" Abigail questioned.
"Basically forced. Either her or I'd basically die. I might be a Slytherin but not all of us are introverts." Malfoy mumbled.
"People just get the impression because of the fact that a very common but unmentioned trait is Slytherin's selectively loyal nature. Slytherins would choose a few people and stay with them, giving people the impression you guys are introverts." Abigail explained. Harry hadn't talked to Abigail at all but he had kept sneaking glances at her. He looked scared, worried and concerned but, whenever she looked at him, he'd look away and ignore her. This gave her the impression he was... Disappointed in her. Did she really just lose one of her first friends? Oh no, if this was Harry's reaction, what would her father's be?

After Dinner
Jason Lupin's Point Of View

"A-Abby...?" I mumbled to the girl in front of me. She turns around and froze in shock when she saw me, her face of shock then turned stern.
"What? You expected me to be the smart Ravenclaw good guy, but you were so shocked to find out I'd been in Slytherin? You want to torment me for being in the 'evil' house?" Abigail started before I cut her off...
"Abigail! Why would you think I'd do that?" I asked. She stayed silent but her face, if it was possible, became more somber and depressed. "What's the first Hufflepuff quality?"
"L-loyalty... why?" Abigail asked me.

"It doesn't matter what house you're in. No matter what, you're still the sweet and intelligent Abby I know."

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