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We were approaching hour six of our predicament and I'd just kissed Bella.

I kissed Bella.

I'd debated it for a while, but as soon as she'd looked into my eyes I was a goner. Like, shipped off to China level of gone. We'd never actually had any sort of eye contact before and, let me tell you, it's more important than you'd think.

The kiss was short and I peeled my lids open to look at her shocked face; cheeks flushed, blue eyes wide, mouth slightly parted.


After a few seconds, I'd decided that I would pull away but she decided to sit up and turn to face me in one quick movement so that we were on our knees facing each other.

'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have—'

I cut myself off, caught up in her eyes again.

Stop doing that, Ethan.

She didn't question where I'd been going with that statement, but slowly moved forward.

Okay, is this a good decision? I mean, she does seem kind of insane. Just a little bit. I wasn't even sure if I liked her. And it wasn't like I was so desperate for another quick chaste preschool kiss. But then she gently pushed back a stray bit of my hair and put her hand on my cheek.

Why do I like that?

'Bella?' I mumbled.


I opened my mouth to ask her something, then closed it.

'Ethan?' she whispered.

'Yeah?' I replied.

'Can I kiss you?'

She doesn't take a break from her manners, does she?

I shoved my hand into her hair, holding onto the side of her head, and crashed my lips to hers.

Should I use tongue?

Bella moved against me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I should use tongue.

She drew in a breath and held me tighter and I grabbed her hip to let her know that I was feeling it, too. We were going really fast so I slowed down the pace, making every move long and drugging.

And then she pulled away.

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