┊ two ┊

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The whispers of paramours are forever silenced by the waves against the rocks.

"Viserys, my son, where are you and your beloved off to on this lovely day?"

Rhaella asked, seemingly overjoyed to see that Viserys and I kept our arms interlaced so closely. Viserys heckled proudly and held me even closer to his side as if I were a prize to be displayed. My fingers danced along his forearm daintily, feeling the black fabric of his long sleeve. My other hand rested on his wrist while I looked at the stone floor in silence.

"Well, mother, I have decided to invite Vespyria to a day on the seas. Since she is one from the sea, at least by guardianship, I thought it would be appropriate. I know we do not have snow here in King's Landing but I surmised that the sea would still bring her happiness."

Viserys explained, I felt my heart flutter with excitement as I looked up at him, smiling almost ear to ear. Viserys smiled his usually sly grin before looking back at his joyous mother. Rhaella clapped her hands excitedly and chimed cheerfully.

"Oh, that is a simply wonderful idea! I am sure she would love to see the oceans with you. I am so happy that the two of you are bonding so well."

She cooed in her honey sweet voice, King Aerys' face still held a stony exterior though I noticed his dark eyebrows furrow. He looked down on the two of us with an expression that I could not quite place, though it still unnerved me.

"Do not spoil her, Viserys. She is to be your bride not your whore. She will bare you children, if she ever bleeds that is. You should not dote on a woman. They will start to expect the most of you. Make sure she does not forget her place here in our keep."

Aerys stated sternly, his eyes honing in on Viserys like a hawk. I bit my lip in frustration and just stared back at the floor. My chest flared anxiously, keeping such a secret as my first blood, from such a temperamental King was definitely frightening. In the six years that I had lived here, Aerys had always talked about me as if I were some item or possession for Viserys to breed with when the time came. It angered me so much to hear, that to him, I was only a mindless mare for his son to mate with. I knew Viserys would not speak out against his father and certainly not in the throne room. I felt so horrible for him, he was always desperate to please his father but his father always seemed to think that Viserys was too kind to me.

"Father, if I am to put a child in her, I would not want to cause her much sadness or distress. That would only harm my future son, don't you think? Besides, though Vespyria is to be my consort, she is still only a child. I do not think making a girl of fourteen years happy is such a crime."

Viserys said, his ever present cunning grin finding its way across his face. Not wanting him to get disciplined by the handsome yet frightening king, I poked his side gently. He turned his head slightly to look at me as I pulled almost unnoticeably on his arm, gesturing him to leave. He nodded his head faintly before looking back to his father, who had most definitely said some rude remark, it was probably for the best that I had tuned him out.

"Yes father, of course, I agree completely. Though I have already promised my lady a day on the seas. I cannot simply dismiss a promise, what kind of man would that make me? I feel that it will calm her nerves, she is a woman after all."

His voice sounded so sly and shitty, I looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow, silently questioning his words. His eyes darted to me for a moment before continuing to speak.

"They must be appeased or else they will not bend to our will and bear us fruit."

Viserys said, barely holding back his laughter as he saw my face recoil in utter disgust and frustration. With that, Aerys, unamused, dismissed us both, though not without cocking a dark eyebrow of disapproval. In moments we had walked calmly from the large throne, as soon as we were out from the king and queen's view, Viserys darted onwards. I yelped in surprise as he pulled me behind him, running down the stone steps that overlooked the beautiful seas. He was already such a tall young man, nineteen years old, his silver waves hung just below his shoulders. I could not help but smile as he ran, I could hardly keep up.

"Viserys, wait! Damn you, I cannot run so fucking fast! Slow down this instant!"

I demanded, he stopped in his tracks before scooping my up, unceremoniously tossing me over his right shoulder. I screeched in shock as he just kept running, I immediately went to hold my chest.

My worst fear in that moment was that my teeny tiny fourteen year old bosom would be exposed for the whole world to see. It was a completely embarrassing thought, since my first blood, my body had rapidly matured. The queen was no idiot, she would catch on soon enough. It was really only a matter of time. As my brain reveled in these thoughts, Viserys had made it to the beautiful docks where a lovely small ship waited for us. The smell of the salty sea filled my nostrils as Viserys finally set me down on my own two feet.

"Come now, little snow bird."

Soon enough, the two of us were on the water. I pressed my chest against the wooden bannister of the bow of the regal vessel, looking down upon the water. Once we anchored, the captain lead me to a small floating wooden barge, separated from the ship by a heavy chain.

I sat on it, my legs hanging over the edge. Tiny fish nipped at my toes, I felt their soft delicate scales against my skin as they weaved between my legs. Small giggles left my lips as the little fish nibbled at me. A pile of small bread crumbs held in my hand as I began to scatter them into the water. The ravenous and delighted fish plucked the crumbs from the surface, eating away at it. I smiled to myself, feeling tranquil, at least for a time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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