First day

16 1 0

U walk into ur new school, everyone looking at u, u thought it was probably just because u were new, or maybe it was because ur parents are the richest people in town.
U walk into ur first class.
Y/n: "hi I'm y/n, I'm new here."
Teacher: "ah yes, y/n Wise?"
Y/n: "Ye that's me."
Teacher: "oh awesome, good to have u here, take a seat over there."
She points over to a seat next to this kid, he had brown hair with blue tips, he was wearing all black and u thought to urself
("Omg he's gorgeous, I get to sit next to him!?") U sit down next to him
Y/n: "hello"
The kid looks at u then looks back at the table
Y/n: "I'm y/n"
???: "Colby"
U think to urself
("Colby? What a pretty name")
The bell rings and u start to pack up ur stuff to go to the next class, u get to ur next class and notice that Colby wasn't in there, u were a little sad but didn't think to much about it, after school finishes u head to ur locker to get ur stuff to go home, when u get to ur locker and u grab ur stuff u pull ur bag out and from underneath ur bag falls out a note, u bend down to pick up the note, u didn't want to read it whilst there was people around so u put it in ur pocket and started to walk home, u walk in the door of ur beautiful big home ur mom sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand ur dad trying to find a tv channel to watch, like always.
mom: "hello sweetie how was ur first day, make any friends?"
Y/n: "it was ok nobody really talked to me, but it's fine, I got homework though so I'm gonna go do that."
U lied, u didn't have homework u just wanted to know what the note said and who it was from, so u walk upstairs, walk into ur room and lock the door, u immediately drop ur bag on the floor jump on ur bed pull the note out. U start to unfold it and start reading it
"Text me **********"
U were confused but u take out ur phone and type the number in.
Y/n: "hey I got ur note who's this?"
???: "oh good to know u got it😉"
Y/n: "who is this?"
???: "you'll find out soon enough"
*end of texts*
Well that's weird who could possible be texting me?
U quickly forgot about the texts and went to sleep

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