Chapter one Adopting Harry

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I am that kid, no one sees, and I try to get noticed, but I don't.

Liam's POV
"Harry, do you have any clothes?" I ask him I "uh" then he shakes his head no, "ok," I say then turn to Zayn, "should we get some clothes for him?" I ask, Zayn chuckles "Well, unless you want him wearing a trash can, because the clothes he's wearing are already too small."

So we stop at a store, go to the toddler boys section, we hold up some 5T pants to him, too big around the waist, not big enough in length, we go to the boys, find some shorts and pants where you can change the waist with elastic in them, we also get a pair if dress pants.

Next shirts, that's in the toddlers section, Harry picked out, two t-shirts, and one dress shirt, we picked out four more Harry liked, enough for days when we can't do laundry, and a pack of eight sox, and one pair of tennis, and shoe lasses that are curly so they don't need to be tied, one pair of sandals with Velcro, one dress shoes.

"Liam and Zayn, what do I call you?" Harry asks, "Well you can call me dad, daddy, and or Dada, and Zayn said he likes to be called Papa. If that is want you want to call us." I tell him, Zayn then whispers into my ear, "Why are you letting Harold choose what to call us?" Zayn asks, "Zayn I said you like to be called Papa, all I said is he can call me Dad, Dada, or Daddy, and he likes going by Harry, even though his real name is Harold." I tell Zayn. "Harry are you ready to go home?" Zayn asks acting like a little kid.

When we get home Harry wraps his arms around Zayn's neck, and cuddles his into the side of his nick, "Want to take a bath Bubby?" I ask, he whimpers, "OK, want to take a bath with Zayn?" I ask, Zayn shoots me a glare, he whimpers a 'um-hm' and I tell Harry to go to the bathroom, "Thanks a lot, Liam." Zayn hisses at me, "Zayn, you've worn swim-trunks in the tub when your little sister wanted you to, so just please, Harry seems to like you." I tell him, Zayn's eyes soften, he groans, "Fine." Zayn says exasperated as possible, I laugh, "Harry is waiting for you to take a bath with him." I tell Zayn, "I'm going, I'm going." Zayn says laughing.

I watch him change into a pair of swim trunks, then walk into the bathroom where Harry is, I hear Harry squeal saying "Papa is wearing funny under ware, Daddy. And now he is tickling me, Ahahaha." Harry starts laughing, "Okay, Papa, Harry, you two, take a bath, I'll go make dinner." I tell them, I am laughing so hard in the inside.

Zayn's POV

I hear Liam say something about Harry and I taking a bath while he makes dinner.

I get into the tub, then pick up Harry, and put him on my lap, he starts splashing, and laughing, then I wash his kinda long hair, with water, then I get soap in my hand, and put it all over Harry's scalp, "Okay, Harry, look up." I tell him so I can wash the soap out of his hair.

He does, then he looks down, right after I start pouring water, Oh no, Harry starts to cry, "Owie, Papa, this hurts," I hear footsteps pounding from the kitchen down the hall to the bathroom, I am slightly offended that Liam thinks I can't handle this on my own.

"What's wrong Harry?" Liam asks once he is the room, "My e-eyes h-hurt-t." Harry says while crying. Liam picks up Harry, and gets a wash cloth from the sink, gets it wet, and cleans out Harry's eyes, "I'm sorry Harry, Papa didn't mean to get soap into your eyes." I tell Harry, feeling really bad about in. "Its okay Papa, I still love you." Harry says, not even crying anymore. "Should we go have dinner?" Asks Liam, Harry nods. We all walk out into the kitchen, I'm now carrying Harry.

We eat, and then Harry goes to bed, he's a sweet kid.

June 12

Harry's POV

I love Daddy and Papa, I like taking baths with Papa, except last night when got soap in my eyes, it really hurt, but Daddy fixed it all better now, and Papa said sorry, right now, Papa is getting ready to leave for work, and Daddy, is also, but Daddy is making me breakfast.

"Harry, here is your breakfast,' Daddy said. "Nummy, pancakes." I say, Daddy laughs and ruffles my hair, as I am eating Daddy starts talking to me "Harry, Papa and I have to go to work. So my mommy, Nana, will come here and watch you, okay?" I look up at him with teary eyes "You don't love me anymore?" I ask "No, Harry, Papa and I love you so very much, but him and I need to go to work, Nana will stay with you, I'm sure she'll have some fun things for you to do. If not, ask her to go to the park, it is just across the street." Daddy says, "I like parks." I say.

The doorbell rings, "Hey mom." Daddy says, "Where's my grandson?" I hear someone question, "Kitchen, just so you know, Zayn is Papa, and I'm Daddy, so you know who's he talking about." Daddy's voice says, "K, can I see my grandson now?" person says, "Sure, let's go say hi." Daddy says, "Harry, this is Nana, she is going to watch you today, now what were you going to ask her?" Daddy says.

I smile, I knew this "Nana, can we go to the park today, Daddy said its just across the street, please?" I ask, remembering my manners. "Sure "Harry." Nana said "Yay." I cheered "Okay, now Papa and I are going to go to work." Daddy tells me, I smile as I watch them leave. "Bye Bye." I said waving my hand as they go.

~ End of the Day ~

Liam's POV
I was walking out of my office when Sandy ,a co-worker, walked up to me, honestly I think she could be a better stripper more than anything, but I keep quiet about my opinion.

"Hey Liam." she said trying to be flirty, "Hey Sandy," I said, "How 'bout you come over tonight?" She asks, I decide to have some fun with her "Sure, but only if my spouse and kid comes along also." I say, I'm the head of the marketing department for the biggest publishing house in London, so no one knows I'm gay, well I was bi, "Oh, I didn't know you were married." Sandy said, "Well I have been year and two days." I tell her, "I don't know how much you kid will like it at my house, maybe you could come alone?" Sandy said "Sorry Sandy, but I'm not leaving Harry alone with my spouse." I said "Bye" I finish, turn around and walk towards my car. And go home to Harry and mom.

Zayn's POV
"Hey, Mr. Payne-Malik, have you read through the preposition to merge with the other company?" someone asks as he comes into my office, "Yes, and here is my thoughts," I said handing him a folder, "Thank you, Mr. Payne-Malik." I smile as he walks away, DING. 'Quitting time', I think as my clock strikes five thirty, Liam is probably at home with Harry, making dinner, an maybe even desserts, yum.

I get home, eat, and then take a bath with Harry, him and I've both learned to tilt his head back, then Liam and I put Harry to bed.
I hope you guys like this story, please vote, I'm deciding to play this one not weekly updates.
At lease two votes, and that's all for now.

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