Chapter one Adopting Harry

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This is my 2nd story, under editing, sorry it is interesting sorta, some parts don't make sense, that is what in trying to fix.

June 10,
Liam's POV

It is Zayn's and I's first year together today, I'm scared Zayn said he has for me, I don't know what it is. I have never really like surprises, I see him walk into the house, I have been waiting in he living room sense I got the text telling me to be there ready, existed at nervous, what it Zayn wants to divorce me, I know it's only been a year, but still, he may have found someone better, maybe a girl, he's cheating on me with a girl.

"Hey babe." Zayn says sweetly snapping me out of the soon to be panic attack, he is one of the best husbands anyone could ever want, "Hey," I reply, still tired from work, we make enough money each were one of us could quit and we will still have slatted life style, but we both just want to get out of the house occasionally, "I have a surprise for you." Zayn said "Here." he said handing me an envelope, divorce notices come in big envelopes.

I open the it, the first thing I see is 'Certified Adopters.' I look up at Zayn confused "You've always wanted kids, so now we can adopt." he said "You said you weren't ready that our relationship wasn't ready for children." I tell him. "I'm ready." That statement makes me so happy that he truly is ready, I must have a big smile on my face because Zayn smiles then continues, "So, I found a social worker, who is willing to let us go to the orphanage and adopt any kid or kids we want, I personally have a number on how many we should adopt, but your choice." Zayn said, I know he only wants one. "I think one will be fine, for now, until we grow up a bit more." I said, Zayn smiled and nodded, showing that he agreed.

Afterwards, Zayn decided to try and be romantic, meaning he cooked us a very burnt dinner, to the point that I made dinner, being the one that cooks, and knowing Zayn since we were ten or so, I knew this would happe.

Zayn and I then decided to watch a movie after the dinner, so people think that sense we are celebrating one year together, we need to go out, but Zayn doesn't like going out, neither do I. Then we went to sleep.

June 11

"Zayn, come on, come on, come on, come on." I said, he looked at the clock "Oh shit, were running late." he said, I give him a 'no shit, Sherlock' face, and we were out the door.

We got there, and a lady about thirty welcomed us, it was an obvious nice place, we decided on a going to a four year old section, Zayn and I were talking to the little kids, then a boy, with green eyes, and straight hair came to us, he tugged on my arm "Mister, who are you?" He asked me "My name is Liam, whats your name?" I ask "Hawwy." he replied, "There's someone I want you to meet, Harry." I told the young boy.

I pick up Harry and go to Zayn. "Hey Zayn, he's perfect." I say to Zayn.

Harry and Zayn talk for a while, "How would you like to come home with us?" Zayn asked, Harry nodded and followed us down the stairs.

We go fill out the adoption forms "Ok, so, Harry, is a sweet kid, he's not too shy, and always makes friends, he is tall for his age, and he is only four, he will start pre-school in August, but if you want him to get more used to you before you put him in, then you'll have to start him late, just how his birthday falls." the orphanage director told us, she was a woman, about thirty-five years old, wasn't skinny, nor plump, "When is his birthday?" Zayn asks, the lady looks up.

"February first." she said, then added a smile, as we filled out the forms, Harry was attached to my neck, as we left, he was singing some songs.

Louis' POV
I watch as a gay couple adopt Harry, he's a good kid, I hope they are nice to him.

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