Chapter 2

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"They were fighting again?"

"Yes. It is escalating more."

"Where was he all night?"

The four Inner Sailors sat in the temple late that night. Rei had a fire lit between them in the temple's pit. She sprinkled various spices and chanted a prayer to keep their secrets and identities hidden. If there were servants or spies walking around the temple, all they could see would be the light dancing off the walls from the enchanted fire. Even Usagi wouldn't hear or see them without breaking the spell with her Millennium Crystal.

Minako sighed as she played with her long blond hair. "I am worried that this ball will not go great if these two continue fighting."

"Can you imagine what people would think if they say the Neo Queen and King fighting?" Ami whispered. "They would question their power and decisions."

"The last thing we need is the towns people knowing about the drama." Makoto stated. "Even though it is peaceful now, it could cause an uproar. Then it would be like..."

"The past repeating itself."

All eyes turned to Rei as she kept her focus on the fire. The flames dances and gave her purple eyes a glow.

"You have seen something." Sailor Venus stated.

Rei shook her head and moved her hand in the fire as if to swipe away the vision. Her hand came out unharmed due to her bond with the fire. "The future is always changing. I have seen plenty of visions that did not come true because of last minute decisions or life events."

"Quit beating around the bush and tell us."

Mars did a side glance at Venus. "It was like the Ancient times. Crystal Tokyo was destroyed and the Palace was split in two. It was as if a large crack came across the Earth and separated it. People were dead, including us."

"The divided Crystal Palace could symbolize Usagi and Mamoru's torn relationship." Ami thought out loud.

Sailor Jupiter spoke up. "Okay, but what if they cannot build their relationship back together and Mamoru does have a mistress, is separation an option?"

"It has never been done before. I don't think it would set a good image for Usagi either." Mina reasoned with them.

"Even during the Ancient times, the Queens would only rule alone if their husbands passed away during war or from natural causes."

"Then that is it."

Everyone turned to look at Rei. Her eyes were dark as she thought of a plan. "If Mamoru continues to act aggressively towards Usagi and doesn't get his act together, we will kill him."

"Rei!" Makoto shushed. "You don't mean that."

"I do!" Sailor Mars yelled. The fire began to grow taller and wider as her emotions spiraled. "You three did not see what I saw today. He is dark. It is like his soul has changed in the past year. We have to put matter into our own hands if this toxic relationship continues."

Ami shook her head to argue. "No, this is crazy. We cannot kill the..."

"She is right."

It was Minako's turn for the attention. She looked to Rei and grabbed her hand. "I agree with you. We made a pack when we were reincarnated to protect the Princess at all cost. We did our job in the past but now, we have to do the same for the Neo Queen. If the King is a threat to her life, we have to do our duties."

"How would we even do it? Or get away with it? And if Usagi found out, she may even kill us. We would be traitors!" Ami argued.

Makoto nodded her head in agreement. "She is right. Usagi could never find out."

"Then we vow to keep this plan between us." Rei reasoned. "Deal?"

In union, they all said "Deal."


Usagi felt the bed dip on the other side in her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open as she rolled over. Next to her was her husband. He smelled of expensive, aged whiskey and had a sheepish look to his face. "Hey."

"Hi." His wife whispered back to him as she began to fully wake up.

"I'm sorry about today." He began. "You get me so fired up sometimes. You know how I get when you try to dictate what I do."

The Neo Queen sighed in relief as she saw the anger was behind them now. "I know, it's my fault. I'm sorry. I'll try to do better next time. I let my mind get the best of me."

"Exactly. You know you are my one and only. I could never love someone more than I love you." Her husband continued as his hand began to touch her hip. His fingers grazed over the silk nightgown.

Usagi smiled as his words warmed her heart. "You know I am emotional and a crybaby. Since having Chibiusa, I have been acting a little crazy. I promise I will work on myself."

"Great." The King smiled as head went to her neck. His lips pressed against her shoulder as he worked his way up to her ear. Mamoru's hands began to caress her butt to pull her closer to him. As her body went against his, she could feel his hard penis against her.

"We shouldn't... the doctor said..."

Mamoru shushed her. In a more aggressive tone, he asked "Do you love me or not?"

"Of course, I do!" Usagi cried as her brows knit together.

"Then show me."

Mamoru's hand left her bottom and went to her head. He pushed her down lightly to give her a hint to what he wanted. The Neo Queen scooted down under the sheets and began to unbutton his pants. He was still dressed for the day. As she wiggled his pants down, his penis exited out of them to greet her. It was all the way hard and throbbing. As she put her mouth around the head, Usagi took it into her mouth and worked it down her throat. She listened as her husband sighed and tensed up from underneath her. After a few moments in her mouth, she worked his penis in her hands and gave attention to his testacies. Mamoru moaned as his wife pushed him further to climax.


He grabbed her by the neck and pulled her back up to him. His tonged went into her mouth sloppily as he began to make out with her. Before she could catch her breath, he flipped her on her belly and pulled her butt up in the air. His penis pushed inside her vagina as he fucked her. The pumps came fast and faster as he felt the climax coming. Usagi moaned and said his name multiple times. Before she could reach her goal, she felt the King stiffen as he got off. He breathed heavily behind her before pulling himself out and walked to the closet. He wiped off his penis before throwing it at his wife. Sexually frustrated, she cleaned herself from his seaman and got back under the covers.

Mamoru walked towards the bed and took his clothes off completely. As he pulled the covers over himself, he kissed his wife on the forehead. "God, you know how to make a man feel great."

"Thanks, baby." Usagi answered half heartedly.

Her husband rolled over and his back was her only view. "Next time, I will take care of you. I promise."

"Oh no, it's fine. I like making you happy."

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