my ex

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Not gonna make this all sad n tragic n shit, im not a pussy who wants attention

Aight so i have this ex and his name i will not include because i don't wanna get in trouble, so this guy i was with him for over a year and a half and for the first 5 months things were going great but then we started to argue a lot and that was very unusual, don't get me wrong random fights happen and they can be for stupid ass reasons but these arguments i honestly didn't understand why they happened or why they were happening, i just argued back because i felt i had to. He would win them because he wouldn't let down till i gave up and that was the start of it, he then told me he liked my best friend and then i lost my shit and got hella mad at him because:
1) bitch she's my best friend
2) she's lesbian
3) bItCh Im yOuR bOyFrIeNd
If you couldn't tell, i got livid. I was really mad and i didn't text him the rest of the night. He decided a few weeks later or cheat on me which i blew off, along with 2 more times because i didn't think it would get bad. He left me for some girl and then 3 days later got back with me after stating he " got rid of her " and i believed him. Being the oblivious idiot i was, i stayed with him and things got bad in my family for me and it was a lot of mental stress on me ( i will make this a story another time don't worry )
And i told him i was hella stressed which he didn't care about, all he cared about was his side bitch and nothing else. I always had this horrible feeling that he didn't leave her and surprise surprise he didn't and he left me after a sent him a picture i found of the hickeys he put all on her shoulder and neck. He got mad and gave me a chance then not even an hour later he left me completely and things got rough from there on for a few days, then he fully left me and kicked me out of his life and that was the end of that.

Now, that wasn't the end of my shenanigans with him, not at all. A few weeks ago ( about 2 or 3 ) i had my friend get him to text me for i wanted to get on better terms with him, so she did and i was soon texting him and things were pretty chill till i brought up wanting to get on good terms and he went off on me which kinda hurt but i laughed at it cuz i was, and still am, so done with his shit so it didn't phase me one tiny bit. This went on about 4 times and which having multiple people spamming him and his current girlfriend till he got hella pissed off which he then proceeded to tell me to kill myself which whoo ( sarcasm increases ) darn did that hurt like a bullet to the skull man, really hit me hard in the feels. No screw that, he made me lose that ability to feel remorse for people and made me wanna die way before all this, what he said didn't hurt one tiny bit. What was funny is how he sent me kill yourself by bo Burnham and that made me laugh so hard, he thinks he can hurt me but he cant. He really cant. I have the lack of coping with long distance relationships and breaking up with people now when i really need to. Thanks a lot jackass for ruining my life.

Hi im jayden and i guess i am gonna have this story book about the things people do in my life and what be goin on with me, i will say that im a trans male, i live in the states, im pansexual, and i do not ever tolerate homophobia or racism on my account or any other form of discrimination, everyone is perfect and beautiful and they need to embrace it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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