Amethyst x Peridot lemon

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This'll be my first ever book so if you know any tips please tell me :,D

Amethyst POV

I currently was at the big donut, eating a simple chocolate donut.. I brought 5 chocolate donuts cause why not? I started heading home, waving goodbye to Lars. (he works there again, right? XD)

My face was stuffed with the whole donut, I just put the whole thing in my mouth, "I wonder what Peri is up to" I laugh, "probably doing some nerdy stuff as always." I thought to myself, she was currently at our house since the others went to check Spinel and the diamonds.. wonder why they didn't want to bring me.

I scoff, running up the stairs I swing the door open, looking around for peridot, "Perrriiiiii- I got some donuutsssss!!!!!!" I laugh out, I heard something from the other room. (Just pretend that there's two rooms, a guest room and steven's room)

I open the door to see what was that sound, I dropped the donuts, blushing a deep purple.. she was masturbating.

"A-amethyst~ i-its coming back~!" Peri studders through her breaths, "w-what is coming back?" I ask her, trying to look anywhere else but not her.. blushing more at the sound of her small moans.

"I can't s-stop doing t-this~ i-it feels s-so good~! Peri said through small moans, going faster creating louder moans.

"Did she drink or something? Who told her about masturbating? She looks so sexy-- no no..  she's just a good friend of mine.. I can't say that! But I can't keep it in.." I thought to myself, blushing more from her moans.

"Amethyst~ c-can you h-help me~?" She studders, going slower yet rougher, I couldn't stop staring.. I snap out of it when I heard a creak from the bed.

Peridot was walking towards me, blushing like hell.. she gently puts her hand on my cheek, "w-what are you d--" I got cut off from her lips touching mine.

(Lemon kinda warning?)

It was a forced yet soft kiss, her moaning through the kisses.. I slowly melted to the kiss, closing my eyes as she put her other free arm on my shoulder, I felt her tongue touch my lips, meaning she wants a tongue war. (idk what it's called so don't judge me lmao)

I hesitantly accepted as we fought for dominance, I won it and let my tongue explore every inch of her mouth, it was so warm yet wet.

We broke the kiss, breathing for air.. there was a string of saliva connecting us, she smirked and started pushing me slowly to the bed.

Peridot pushed me down the bed gently, getting on top of me.. I could feel her slit on my leg, sending some shivers down my spine, and creating a moan from her mouth.

She started trying to take my shirt off, she struggled to pull it out so I helped her take my shirt off, "peridot are yo--" I got cut off her from her motioning me to stay quite.

"Shh~ don't t-talk" she successfully took of my shirt, smiling.. sexy but cute at the same time, I blush.

She started doing butterfly kisses around my boobs making me moan and grip the sheets, "peri~" i moan out.

She was satisfied.. she flipped us (she stronG) making me on top.. she made a face, something making me.. hornier? I couldn't hold it in.

I go to her pussy, teasing her my kissing her slit, "amethyst~ no teasing!" She whines, I smirked.

I started to suck on her pussy, her hands gripping on my hair making me moan while sucking her womanhood.

"f-faster~" she said through sharp breaths, I went faster, feeling like this isn't enough.

I stuck my tongue inside her pussy, making her moan my name out, making me hungrier.

I started biting, sucking, and thrusting my tongue inside her.. satisfied by her moans.

I stopped, thinking if I should do it, "w-why'd you s-stop?" She says, still breathing sharply.

I take of my shorts, shapeshifting a dick, I took deep breaths.

She stared at it, I might've made it to big.. it's about 7 inches? I started seeing her form tears. My head shot right at her, "what's wrong ?!" I said, pretty worried.

She pointed at her pussy, "I don't have th-that-!" She said, I wiped her tears and chuckled, "I'm just using my shapeshift powers.. and trust me you'll feel real good" I cooed, she nodded.

"Get ready- this might hurt... Just tell me when it stops hurting." I said, hesitating a bit, she was about to say something but I slammed into Peri. Making her yelp

"Shh... It's okay~ it'll get better" I said, Not hesitating. I started to caress her perfect green legs, waiting for her signal (boOp).

She let out small moans, I started thrusting slowly, moans coming out her mouth every second.

I went faster and rougher, waiting for her to moan my name out.. "A-ah~! Am-methyst~" she moaned out, satisfied I went faster and rougher.

She screamed out a moan, me taking all my energy out cause she was so tight.

Peridot's POV

I screamed a loud moan, I've never felt anything like this, it felt.. amazing.

I felt a knot form on my stomach, I didn't know what it meant but it felt good, amethyst started hitting my g-spot, it felt like her 'stick' was getting bigger? She kept hitting it, making me moan louder than I was when we started.

I screamed out a moan, the knot went away and I felt something spill down my 'womanhood?', amethyst grunted.. going even faster, forming moans from my house, I gripped her hair even harder making her moan.

I felt some substance go inside me making a loud moan come out of my mouth, amethyst plopped on the bed beside me, spooning me, I saw a glow and felt the 'stick' disappear.

I felt her slits and boobs (hM) making me blush, "I love you, you nerd.. remember that" she laughed tiredly, I was about to say something before hearing light snores.

She's sleeping? I try putting the blanket on us, I only got it to cover up to our waists but that's good enough.

I smiled, "I love you too, you dork." .

And then I realized I don't know how to sleep- well lapis told me that I just have to close my eyes an..

I was asleep.

we cuddled all the way till morning.

"whAATTTT" i heard the oh so familiar voice and a creaking door, my eyes shot open to see Pearl.

I hissed, "give us some timeeeee" I whined, Pearl narrowed her eyes before closing the door and leaving, me falling asleep again.

I know this is really boring so I apologise for that :c but this was my first story so please tell me some tips on how to improve. ThAnCC ✌️

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