The party p1

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Y/N's eyes fluttered open slowly at the sudden sound coming from the monitor in the room. She uncertainly glanced over to it, and with a flicker, a harsh glare of green spread across the pitch black dark in her room. Monokuma appeared thus, sipping the same tropical bervage he has last time. He raised his heads in the air and gestured widely with his paw. "Ahem. Hopes peak academy school trip executive committee has an announcement to make. It is now 10pm. Please return to your rooms and relax. Let the sound of the ocean gently rock you to sleep. Gooood night...!" The childish but spine tingling voice made Y/N jerk, but she knew what must be done. Her eye-kids drooped, already exhausted. The moniter clicked off, and she was met with her own relflectikn staring back at her. Kicking herself off the bed, she stumbled to her feet and started at the wall, expressionless. "It's time to go to the party..." she sighed heavily, and finally picked her feet up, moving to the door before putting her hand on the handle.

When she stepped out, she felt a rush of cold. Now that the sun was down, it was much cooler, and she shivered at the sudden feeling. The cottage sight was practically empty, but there were many familiar people as she went to the old building by the hotel. Ibuki was chatting up a storm with Hajime, who gave up and just agreed with everything she said. Y/N grimaced as she observed their painfully sad excuse of a conversation. Just like that, Hajime and Y/N's eyes snapped together in lock.

Hajime smiled at her presence. "Y/N, h-hello..." He nervously stuttered. Ibuki jumped in glee, staring in delight at her. "ALLLRIGHT! A GIRL! FINALLY!" Hajime rolled his eyes in annoyance at that remark, and crossed his arms. "What are you doing here, Y/N" he asked. "Shouldn't you be in the old building?"

Y/N forced a chuckle and rubbed the back of her neck uncertainly. "Yeah...Shouldn't you?" Hajime opened his mouth to say something, but instead retreated and swayed his feet ever so slightly. "You got me there..." Ibuki stuck her tongue out and grabbed her long, tangly hair. "I'm so excited to go to the party and taste Teruteru's yummy food!" She gushed.

Hajime rolled his eyes at that, and glanced back at her awkwardly. "Yeah...especially since he's the ultimate cook." Y/N watched, as Hajime turned his back to them and began to chat with Mikan and Peko, who were on the other side of the pool. So escape Ibuki, Y/N quickly held her head down to her chest and sprinted off until she had arrived at the hotel.

She carefully walked up the steps to the door, hearing a creak everytime she did. She then, placed a hand on the door knob and invited herself inside, the floor creaking heavily. Compared to the hotel, it was definitely worse for the wear. "So this is the new building..." She looked around curiously, before her attention was turned to a familiar voice. "You're here..."

Y/N turned around to see Byakuya, which she somehow hadn't noticed before. She waved her hand at him with a slight frown on her face. "Hi..." Byakuya inclined his head roughly and crossed his arms, his eyes glaring daggers at her. "Now then, stand up straight and raise your arms." Y/N instinctively put a hand out flat, as if telling him to stop. "Ah, why do I even have to do that?!" Byakuya unfolded his arms and sighed in disappointment. "Because I need to do a body check. Isn't it obvious?" He hissed. Y/N took a step back and glared at him, obviously annoyed yet confused. "W-Wha?! Body check?! I'm a girl!"  Byakuya rolled his eyes at her before pinching the bridge of his nose in utter disgust. "It's obvious, you didn't need to point it out. Since I'm the one hosting the party, it is necessary for me to take all possible measures....I have already promised I will not let a single person become a victim, Y/N." Her glare softened when he said that, and it soon went away. Throwing her hands down to her sides and stepping forwards, she presented her Body to Byakuya. "I-I get it...make it quick..." And so, She reluctantly raised her arms and stood up straight. Byakuya went up ahead and thoroughly patted down her body, starting with her legs and working his way up. His hand slipped his way into the nicks and crammies of her pockets, searching for anything that could possibly be a threat. No, of course Y/N didn't bring anything like that at all. After everything was throughly searched, Byakuya stepped backward with a pleased expression and fixed his glasses. " appears you haven't brought anything dangerous." Y/N gawked at him in disbelief, pursing her lips together. "O-Of course I haven't!" Instead of responding casually, Byakuya Fixed his position so his back was slightly turned to her and sighed. "Very well. I shall allow you to enter." He pressed his large body against the wall, and with a harsh glare, he turned his nose up before looking away like Y/N was merely a bug to be trampled on. She shook her head and turned her head away from Byakuya and walked on along, following the various path of the building assuming their conversation was done before she heard the familiar demanding voice call out from behind her once more. "Hey. Do you have a second?" Y/N turned around to see Byakuya glancing in her direction, his head tilted down, a shadow spreading across his face. Walking backwards and retracting her steps, she walked slightly past Byakuya and stopped to stare at him curiously. "Hm?" She hummed. At that moment she noticed there was a strange item next to Byakuya. "....Metal cases?" Byakuya pointed at her accusingly as if she had just done a crime of some sort. "Duralumin, Actually." He corrected her. "I found them at the supermarket." Byakuya squatted down and pointed at one of the cases, his suit making a squeak sound with his movements. "This one is to store any dangerous items I found during body checks. The other one is for...." Byakuya stood up and paused. "Let's just say it's for emergencies only." Y/N nearly squeaked from shock as she looked down at the second case. "W-What do you mean emergencies?" Byakuya sent a harsh glare in her direction, his glasses flashing in the light. "Don't worry about it. The others are already here, gathered at the dining hall in the back. Go there and wait." As soon as he said that, Byakuya turned her back to her coldly. She guessed that was the end of their talk, but he was so cautious... and what did he mean by emergencies only? Mentally sighing, she pushed all the strange thought she had out of her head and proceeded to the dining Hall. The energy the building was giving off was... eery. She didn't like it. Almost ever corner was surrounded by cobwebs... and the floors had little holes in them, which Y/N was terrified of falling through... but she kept going until she saw the doors of the dining hall... and Nekumaru standing outside of them, picking at his jagged teeth with a Toothpick. Thinking it was best not to bother him and get caught up in anything, Y/N walked up to the dining hall door and pushed herself inside. "Woah..." She sang in amazement upon entering the room. She didn't know what is what expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. Golden chandeliers were placed in various spots against the room like a ball, the striped green and red carpet complementing it very well. Dining tables were set out with sink white cloth that dropped down, covering Y/N's view of seeing the inside of the table. Steaks, fruits, chicken, And vegetables of all sorts were displayed on tables which were evenly set in each of the tables. The smell of the food filled her nose, and she smiled thoughtfully. It reminded her of her moms cooking. Elegant banners and ribbons were draped on the ceiling, making the room sparkle before here. Gazing down, she looked at Nagito, who was already approaching her before she could process what was happening. "Ah, Y/N! You're here! So, How do you like it? See, I decorated the whole dining hall for the party, I even laid out the carpet too! It took me a while to clean this place, but I'm glad everyone is happy!" Y/N's eyes lit up. "Even the carpet? Damn... It's really good, Nagito." Nagito merely shook his head and stared at Y/N with a sort of apologetic yet thankful look. "Yeah, Thanks. Bought it from the super market." Y/N nodded and began to walk over and spectate the food. "That place sure does seem to have everything..." Nagito walked up to her and put his elbow on her shoulder casually. "I actually wanted to cover the whole floor, but I guess the carpet wasn't big enough. There was a lot of dust and cobwebs too. It took a me a day to clean the whole dining hall just because of that." Turning to Nagito, Y/N sincerely smiled at Him. "There's no way I could handle being stuck inside cleaning the whole day... You're commendable, Nagito. Thank you." He moved his arm down to his side and smiled, slowly shifting closer to Y/N until they were practically touching. "Yeah... thanks." Suddenly, as everyone started to talk, she snapped her eyes up and hummed curiously at the weird plates covering the walls. "Iron plates...?" Getting a moment of realization, Y/N glanced back to the dining hall door. "That reminds me! I saw some familiar looking iron plates in the hallway, too. But, why are these Iron plates bolted onto the walls for?" Near the left side of the room, Gundham Shifted his gaze to one of the Four Dark Devas iF Destruction peaking out of his scarf and folded his arms mysteriously. "...All is not what it appears to be." Y/N chirped. "Hm?" The Other hamsters joining him now, the Four Dark Devas Of Destruction hopped out of his scarf and resting upon his shoulder. "One of my Four Dark Devas, Supernova Silver Fox San-D, has seen what lies shrouded amidst the darkness. Though that Iron plate appears to be bolted to a wall, It is actually bolted over what's known as a window. There are no windows in the dining hall at all. I assume those Iron plates are just covering them. Hmph, San-D, it appears your fur is rustling more than usual today..." Y/M awkwardly moved close to Gundham, Nagito staying put at the food table Y/N was previously at. "Do you know why these Iron plates are covering the windows?" She asked. Instead of Responding, Gundham sighed as his Four Dark Devas leaked into his royal purple scarf, vanishing from Y/N's sight. "Such a fine day... Countless lives gasp their first breath... and countless more go the way of all flesh..."  and with that, Gundham looked away from her rudely, ending their conversation. She guessed that was the end, but... why were the metal plates there?" Interrupting her thoughts, Y/N heard the voice of Nagito call out behind her. "Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you a question? Well, more of a request, really. Just, come here." Pushing her way through the crowded of people, Y/N arrived to stand in front of Nagito, who had his back pressed up against a wall by the by the air conditioning panel. "Hm? What do you need?" She asked. Slowly, Nagito shrugged and arched his back in a way that made Y/N question his flexibility. "Can you tell me I'm lucky?" His straight face managed to turn into a wild grin. Y/N hesitantly took a step backwards, caught off guard by his words. "...Huh? You want me to tell you you're lucky?" Nagito Nodded and took a step forward, closing most of the distance between the two. "Yes. Just once. I'm gonna need it tonight." Even more confused than she was originally, Y/N cocked her head to the side. "Tonight? What do you mean?" Nagito's smile vanished as he waved his hands infront of the air in a way that came off as rude. "It's nothing. Just... Please?" His voice was deep, like he was really begging. But, why? She didn't know why, but the way he was saying it was strange... no- his request was strange in its entirety. But, Nagito is a strange guy. Hesitantly, Y/N shut her eyes and took a deep breath in. "You're very lucky." The strangest thing happened just then. A weird noise came out of Nagito's mouth, that could be arguably paired with a moan. Upon hearing it, Y/N immediately opened her eyes to see the abnormal sight of Nagito. His face was flushed a dark red, and he was profusely sweating all of a sudden. With one hand, he crossed it in such a way that it appeared he was hugging himself. "Hah...T-Thank you..." The boy slowly bent down and buckled his legs together. Trying to make sense of it all, Y/N took an instinctive step forward and reached out to him. "Nagito, are you okay?" Nagito looked up, both of their eyes locking together. One pair of eyes sane, one insane. "H-Huh? I'm fine... Yeah... fine..." Slowly but surely, Nagito calmed himself down and straightened his back. The heavy blush from his face was now gone, although he was still on edge. "You didn't look fine..." Nagito looked off to the side and struggled to come up with an excuse. "It's nothing... Furthermore, can you promise me something?" Before Y/N had the chance to respond, Nagito took a step forward and gripped her shoulders tightly. "Nagito, what are you-" Said boy brought his left hand up and shushed her. Awkward tension rose in the air as Nagito paused making prolong eye contact with her. "... It's nothing. You can go now. No questions asked. Sorry." He finally said. Y/N jerked up slightly, in disbelief of his behavior. So she wouldn't be hurt, Nagito returned his hands to his side. "Huh? Hey, why are you acting so weirdly all of a sudden?" Her glare softened. "Did something happen?"

"It's nothing." Nagito smiled softly. But His grey eyes told her something else was on his mind. Pushing the matter aside, Y/N shrugged and put her hand on her hip. Something about nagito was... off. And honestly, she was the only one who noticed it. A cutting door sound could be heard from the room as Sonia, Nekumaru, and Hajime walked in, immediately glancing around the room. "Hajime! Like what you see?" Nagito nonchalantly walked up to him and smiled. "What I... see?" He asked. "Of course. I did this all my myself, you know." Y/N let Hajime and Nagito fool around for a moment and took some time to herself, leaning up against the wall and checking the time occasionally which was on the thermostat. She couldn't get one thing of her mind- Nagito. He acted so strange lately. I mean, he IS always strange, talking about hope all the time... surely he wouldn't do anything to-

*Click* Her thoughts were interrupted by a polite noise near the door. Suddenly, everyone heard the voice of the Ultimate Affluent Togami Progeny Ring throughout The dining hall. When Y/N snapped her eyes up, she noticed Byakuya, who was straightening sleek white coat before turning to them all. "Thank you all for waiting."

Lucky. [Nagito Komaeda x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt