Kaga Kusha X Male Reader

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Your POV
     I stretch, yawning in class as most of the students left.
     "Just a few more weeks left of school, eh?" I ask myself, smirking slightly.
     Everything seemed to be coming together. I was in the top three of my class, and already got accepted into a prestigious college. Life at home was fine, I lived alone, and well managed. Everything was in my favor... well except for one thing.

     I sigh, closing my eyes thinking about how I should spend my after-school time.
     'I don't need to study for anything, and I'm caught up on my projects. Maybe I can visit the cooking club and take some snacks. Yeah... my meals haven't been that great lately. I'm sure Amao won't mind he's—'
     "(L/n)-san...?" a familiar voice speaks.
     I open one eye, and notice it's Nikaru.
     Her face flushed, and I continued to stare, waiting for what she had to say, "Kusha would like to see you."
     She bows, then runs off. Kusha..? He wants to me specifically? And isn't Nikaru asking weird...? No, she's always been that way towards me. My mind continued to muddle more, but I shook it off. Kaga... we've been friends since middle school, but we drifted apart during high school.

     As I stood up and scratch the back of my head, a clear image of him appeared. Always smirking eccentrically, laughing obnoxiously, eyes lighting up as he talks about his plans to take over the world. Damn what a wack smart-ass he's always been. I smile, grab my stuff, and head for the Science Club.
     What does he want to do with me? Please don't be another weird experiment. Why am I always his go-to? A shaky sigh escapes my mouth as I cringe at the memories. We've crossed the friendship line one too many times, and there haven't been any signs of it stopping. Well, not like I mind.

     I quickly open the door and greet, "Hey Ka-"
     My mouth stood agape for a few seconds when I saw her, and what he was doing. I took control of my body and abruptly closed my mouth, gritting my teeth afterwards. I felt my heart clench as glare at the floor to control it.
     'Why does seeing them together make me feel... weird?'
     "Oh, hey dude!" Kaga exclaims, hand on my shoulder.
     I turn my head up to face him, then stood up straight. I can't look like this in front of him... My hands act on their own, balling up into fists. Once I stood up straight, our height was the same.

     Kaga smiles and says, "I need you to do a few..."
     While he talks all I could do is look at her. She was currently looking around the clubroom, examining it, and likely was making sure everything was in order. After all, that's the job of the student council president, right? Yeah... she didn't come for any other reason....

     Feeling down on myself, and my chest being unusually tight, I abruptly say, "About that. I don't think I can do it today. I'm not feeling too well."
     I look into his eyes for a reaction, but it seems... delayed. He stares for a few more seconds, trying to figure me out. Did he manage to piece it together..?
     Kaga frowns, "That sucks. What about tomorrow?"
     "I don't know, maybe? Anyways, I'm going home now," I reply, trying my best to speak normally.
     He frowns harder, seemingly trying to convince me to stay, "Alright... Hope you get better (Y/n)."
I nod and walk away. As if the flight of stairs were some sort of goal post, I slam my body against the nearest wall, breathing harshly.
'What was that?' I ask in a cold sweat. It wasn't good at all. Damn. I grip onto my head for a few more seconds. I hated every second of it. The way he stares at her... has it always been like this? Did I really not notice until now? Or has something changed? I shook my head and headed home. There's no point in bothering now...
My walk to school was gloomier than usual. Those first years that say good morning even notice it... After spending some time thinking about Kaga's and Megami's relationship, I remembered how the dude always seems to be staking her. What a creepy man. But I still... it doesn't feel right whenever I see them.

I close my eyes and sigh, but then feel a sharp pain. The next second I realize it was concentrated on my face and chest. Opening one eye I notice I ran straight into the hall wall past the shoe lockers.
'Great,' I think, finally reacting by using my hands to push myself off of it.
"W-What?" I gasp, seeing two yellow gloves on both sides of my body.
I instinctively turn around and put my left arm against their chest, ready to push them off. Though that hand caught mine, keeping my hand on their chest. In a blank realization, I deadass just realized it was Kaga. He's the only one that wears those, isn't he?

Turning white, I ask, "What the hell are you doing!?"
He laughs, "You ran right into a wall this morning! I'm just helping!"
The last of the students walk off, most of them snickering.
I yell, "How could you help by pushing me further into the wall!?"
Kaga smirks and looks directly into my eyes, "By putting your mind at ease."
"What!?" I choke, "Let me go dude!"
"You've been feeling down, right? I think I may know why. And I can help you with that."
I narrow my eyes, "I don't think you do, just let me go!"
"Fine, fine," he puts his arms up, "But I do know why. You should know by now not to question me."
I look like him as if he's a crazy person, but the next second he points to himself, "It's about me, isn't it. You're jealous aren't you?"
He slings his arm around me and I listen carefully, wondering if he actually got it, "Don't worry about the Saikou.~ This is just the first part of my world domination plan! There's no way I've forgotten about you! We can do what you want, I want it too, but we got to keep it low-key until I've taken over the world. While I'm at it, why don't you find someone powerful and gain their trust? That way we can marry an—"

"Ahem," a dominant voice spoke, looking at us from the entrance.
"C-crap! You heard all of that?" Kaga asks worriedly.
Megami sighs and says, "Get to class."
"R-right," Kaga and I reply, sweat-dropping.
Before I leave, Kaga grabs my arm, "We'll discuss this later! Ja!"
He winks and walks off.

"Sheesh," I mutter, completely smiling. "I guess I'm part of his world domination plan now. And there's no way I'll let him down," I smirk, walking off to class with a new vibe.

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