» Chapter Three; Donation Day

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It didn't take long for the days to go by quickly, to the day where all the children would donate their blood to the vampires. For protection, they claim.

Now here you were, pushing yourself to the limit, fighting those vampires off of Yoshiko's sick form. "Don't touch her! Leech!" Sneering at the hooded vampire, who grabbed you by the neck then held you up. Letting out a strained cry of pain, you clenched your jaw while glaring at him. Dropping you onto the floor before grabbing your (H/C) hair, then kicking you in the gut. Coughing out blood from the impact of the vampires kick. If you didn't hurry, soon enough they'll had their filthy hands on your sister..

Pulling your head up to see a vampire reaching to tug your sick sister out of bed. "Stop it!" You cried out, begged almost.
"What's going on here?" A smooth voice called out, the vampires recoiled from your sister and you at the sound of another vampire entering the room. The two vampires looked at the man who'd enter.

"Lord Ferid." Bowed the blood-suckers.

You fought off the agonizing pain just to look at the silver-haired noble even though you wanted to collapse, you managed to keep those leeches off of her for a solid minute. New world record, thanks to you. Who was practically throwing themselves on the much stronger beings. "Hmm. Not even a few days and you're already causing trouble, (N/N = Nickname)." he said amused.

"Lord Ferid.. If you don't mind my asking. What are you doing here?" Asked a hooded vampire, curious to why Ferid had suddenly decided to visit. "I came to see the thirteenth progenitor, of course." Ferid answered like it was the most obvious answer in the world, "Also I wanted to see for myself if the livestock made it here in one piece. Maybe, even have a taste of their delicious blood while I'm here." Ferid added nonchalantly.

Resting a hand on his hip as he looked over to Yoshiko, "it appears that two died during their trip, and a little lamb fell ill." he pouted in disappointment. "You humans are so fragile."

Lord Ferid glanced over at you, (E/C) eyes locked with a crimson red. The noble seemed to be thinking about something, before speaking. "Leave the human alone for now, but I'm sure that Lord Crowley would want to hear about this." Ferid clapped his hands together, almost excited. What was he planning?

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