» Chapter Two; Delivered

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Days passed, now you stood in front of a large building, holding your sister closely after many sleepless nights in a noble's mansion. Ferid Bathory, his name was, he'd sent you to another nobles place as a gift.
Yoshiko sobbed quietly. Making it clear that she wanted to go home, back to her family and that she missed her mom and dad. The vampires killed most of the survivors of the virus, the ones who managed to live without the protection of vampires or the army of humans for so long.

Now the leeches made you were a uniform that read 'livestock' all over, along with these collars with tags. It pissed you off to no end, you guys were being treated like animals, pets!

"Inside, livestock." With that being said, you were being shoved through the front door.

The lobby looked like something that'd you see out of a movie, you almost doubted you were awake. "(Y/N).. I'm afraid." "I know, shh." You comforted the young girl. Didn't take long for three nobles to appear on top of the staircase, two females and one male.

Well considering that Ferid said 'Lord' then you assumed that the male noble, was Lord Crowley that Ferid talked about. So this was the one that was supposedly your new master or something? You glared at him, which seemed to catch his attention, only briefly before he turned around to speak to the other nobles.

Almost like the hooded vampires understood that. You along with the other children were now being lead throughout the lobby to where you'd be staying, holding Yoshiko close. "Vampire bastards.." From the corner of your eye, you swore that you saw Crowley looking at you with an easy-going smile but his eyes held something other than happiness. Causing you feel uneasy. "(Y/N)?" Yoshiko looked up at you as the both of you walked, "It's nothing. Sorry." Smiling down at the girl, she returned it weakly.

The small group of children of nine were escorted to the heavily guarded hallway, the windows were barred tightly together and locked. You were broken into groups and assigned rooms, given a schedule when to be awake and asleep along with water and various objects though they couldn't be used as weapons.

It was like being in the vampire city, you haven't been there yourself but heard it from those who use to live under the protection of the vampires, you didn't ask how they knew such things. You could only assume they heard it from the vampires themselves, or they escaped or have been moved out to make space within the city.
This would be where you'd be staying, Yoshiko quietly followed you further into the room that you were shoved into. The door to the room closed, "Yoshiko?" You looked back to her small form.

It seemed to happen in slow motion, Yoshiko wobbled then fell forward and her eyes fell shut as her cheeks were flustered. In an instant, you caught her and pulled her close. "Yoshiko!" You cried out.


It was confirmed that Yoshiko had a high fever for the past few hours it had yet to go down, tonight would be the worst of it and you had no medicine to help lower the fever so it'd take a few days to go down on its own naturally, if it didn't get worse. Those vampires pushed her small body too hard on the journey and the lack of water throughout their trip. The other kids were fine but Yoshiko was always different, weaker than most, the runt of the group even.

You sat on her bedside, holding her tiny hand in yours. A cloth on her forehead and her cheeks were still flustered, her lips parted every so often to breath heavily. It angered you, you felt so helpless like there wasn't anything that you could do. The vampires didn't help either, in fact they seemed to expect it from her due to her size.

It wasn't long before the first day that you'd along with the other kids would be giving your blood, all the kids had to do it whether they wanted to or not. Even Yoshiko but she wasn't well, you'd refuse to let those blood-suckers even touch her and take a sip no less. But there wasn't anything that you could really do. With their unbelievable strength.
Tears of frustration pricked in your eyes.

"Yoshiko.. I won't let them touch you." You swore.

EDIT // Authors Note: Okay! Let's pretend that I didn't put (S/N), I was tired when posting this chapter. So I did not bother to re-read the draft, while thinking "I'm sure it's fine.." ^-^;

A Lion & A Lamb || Owari no Seraph (Crowley Eusford x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora