Book 1 : Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I couldn't help myself I just had to say hello".

"Oh, hi" She said walking around him.

"Number eleven!" The cashier yelled.

Justice looked down at the receipt and that was her order. "Thank you" She said grabbing the food and heading out the store.

"Queen! Queen!" He pulled at her arm a little.

"Uh, I'm not interested" She said pushing the door opened.

"You don't be rude to me! Sketel gyal" he said.

"Excuse me?".

Justice stopped and turned around.

"Gunkona! Go you stupid gyal!" He laughed looking back at the light-skinned dude who also was laughing.

Before she could say anything Kentrell came rushing at him. Three punches to the face.

"Kentrell no! Stop!" Justice yelled pulling him back.

"Clown ass nigga! Whatcha say? You ain't got shit to say now don't you?!" He yelled sending one more punch to his face.

His face was covered in blood. "Dutty batty bwoy!" He yelled spitting out blood.

"And what's so funny my nigga?" Kentrell asked walking up to the other man.

He started backing up holding his hands up.

"Just chill Kentrell, I'm fine! Let's go before they call the police!" Justice yelled.

He stood there staring a whole in his face. After he took a breather he turned around kicking the man on the ground. "To rass! Bitch!" He yelled.

Justice walked towards the car and got in. Kentrell followed. He looked angry, she noticed his veins were popping out his neck.

"Kentrell" She said softly as they pulled up to his house.

"Not right now. I gotta go do something, I'll be back aight?".

"Do what? I hope you not finna go do something dumb Kentrell" she told him.

"Na man, go in the house I'll be back".

He parked and looked over at Justice.

"I'm not finna go nowhere Kentrell".

He wiped his hand over his face.

"Justice I ain't finna argue with yo ass, I ain't finna do shit. Go ina house damn!" He slammed his fist into the arm rest.

That made her jump. "You sitting up here acting like I did something wrong, all I'm asking you is to come in the house with me" Her eyes started getting teary.

He breathed in and out. Then snatched his car keys out and opened his car door with full force.

Justice followed him out the car. When they got in she decided to take a quick shower and let Kentrell have his space.

"You good?" She asked sitting down with the towel in her hand.

"I'm straight" He said staring directly at the television.

She nodded then stood up to walk in the bathroom. She took all her clothes off and stepped in. After she scrubbed her body about two times she rinsed off.

"Kentrell can you hand me my clothes off the bed!" Justice yelled.

There was no answer. She turned the water off.

"Kentrell did you hear me?" She called out again.

Again there was no answer. Justice stepped out the shower and wrapped her towel around her body.

When she got to his room, he was no longer in bed. She walked down the hall then downstairs. He was nowhere in sight.

"Kentrell!" She yelled again.

Justice walked to the front window and found him backing his car out the driveway.


She knew he couldn't hear her due to his music being that loud. She ran upstairs and grabbed her phone. It rung three times before he sent her to voicemail. She decided to text him instead of blowing his shit up.

Justice : Where you going?
Kentrell : To blow off some steam. I'll be back in a minute.

She decided to trust what he said. She slipped on some shorts and a tank top and got into bed. It wasn't long before Justice got a call from Cartel.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Yeah ma, Kentrell in jail".

Her mouth dropped.

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