2. Twice

438 6 3

like i said srry if some are takennnn*

1. cutiejjang_

2. Twiceu_lifeu

3. softyy_momo

4. once_uponatime

5. Likeyxme_

6. sanas_uwus

7. Nyayeonxx

8. twiceinamillion_

9. softgurl_mina

10. _feelspecial_

11. Tzuyuxoxo

12. jeong_yeon

13. caramel_dahyun_

14. princess_chae

15. twice_luvxx


17. _Yesxyes_

18. twice_exe.

19. jihyoxp_

20. mytwice_xox

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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