004 ~ The Swamp

135 3 0

Genre: Comedy, Friendship, Fluff, Angst 

Word Count: 2,732 

Pairing: ?? 

World: Other, Acceleracers 

We were all preparing our cars for the next realm. The Maniacs had their own little corner while the Teku had their own across the room. It was best that the two groups remained separated for obvious reasons, but even with the distance... well, let's just say that sound travels.

Teku music started blaring through the drome, causing Porkchop to hit his head on the hood of his car. I flinched at the sound – that had to hurt. He growled in annoyance and started heading over, getting Mark's attention who, of course, had to join in.

With a groan of annoyance, I quickly followed suit.

"Scrap that noise, stinku!" Porkchop ordered. I internally cringed at the insult.

The shortest of the Teku didn't pay him any mind. In fact, he was so into the music that he pushed a button on his bracelet and his own car started rocking with music so loud that the piles of tires behind it began to shake. A couple even fell and hit the ground. He didn't seem to care though and started dancing to the beat.

Both Mark and Porkchop covered their ears as if the sound physically hurt them. I mean, sure it's a bit loud, but I'm not gonna lie – I was actually enjoying the beat.

Not that I'd ever admit that out loud. Nope, not in a million years.

The female – her name is Karma, I learned – reached into the car and turned the music off. It was replaced instantly by the screeching of the alarm.

Another realm was opening up.

Porkchop fell to the ground and I burst out laughing, earning a half-glare half 'you're crazy' look from Mark.

"The next racing realm is opening," Tezla announced.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, we kinda figured that much."

Mark smirked at me as headed to his car.

I rushed back to my own beautiful Night Hawk which was parked right next to Taro's Riveted. I sent him a look, silently asking if he was okay to race. He nodded his head and started the car. I decided to stay close to him, using his injuries as an excuse even though I would probably follow him anyway.

We took off, heading for the track. This was my first time driving through the track and I was feeling a bit nervous about it, but the excitement was too high for me to focus on anything else.

"You have one hour." Came Tezla's voice through the radio.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I pushed farther down on the accelerator. I stuck close behind Taro with Mark behind me and both Porkchop and Monkey driving in the same car behind him.

"You don't even have to stop, Porkchop. Just slow down and I'll jump!" Monkey's begging came through the radio.

He only laughed in response. "I love this job! Yee he haw!"

I tried to contain my laughter at the pair. They were always hilarious when they got together.

"PORKCHOP!!" Monkey cried.

I hit the portal and that familiar flash of light filled my vision. When it disappeared, I found myself soaring through a jungle of huge trees and vines. All I could see was green and brown!

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