003 ~ Welded

132 1 0

Genre: Comedy, Friendship, Fluff 

Word Count: 2,240 

Pairing: ?? 

World: Other, Acceleracers 

I felt a sharp tug and I registered the sound of my own groans of pain. It felt like I was moving but my eyes were heavy and it took a lot of strength to get them open. By the time I managed it, I felt exhausted, like I had just run a marathon. My vision blurred a few times before I was able to make out the scenery around me. I was moving, and fast, the purple and black clouds nothing but a blur.

I could faintly make out the sound of thunder, but it was much calmer now and there was no lightning in sight. A bright light filled my vision and I thought I was falling unconscious again but the light soon faded. I was jolted again, the harness pressing tight against my chest.

With a grunt, I wiggled around until I managed to get the damn thing off. I wasn't moving anymore.

"Jae! Taro!" Monkey's face appeared by the window and I blinked in confusion.

Why the hell is he yelling my name?

And Taro? My eyes fell on the unconscious man next to me and I struggled to reach over to him. The passenger door squeaked open and I felt warm hands grab my arms, preventing me from moving them any farther.

"Easy there, Jae." Mark's soft voice reached my ears and I stopped struggling against his hold, looking at him questioningly. I don't understand what's happening right now.

Why is he acting so kind all of a sudden?

Why is Monkey acting so concerned?

And why the hell is Taro unconscious?

I winced when that horrid alarm started to sound again followed by a screech like nails on a chalkboard. Vert cried out and tires started to squeal. Seriously, what the hell is happening right now?

A red and white vehicle pulled up beside us and Lani stepped out, opening up the back. "Come on, let's get everyone to the infirmary!"

"No! We have to get back in there and find Kadeem!" Vert argued.

Find Kadeem? What is he talking about?

I tried to sit up to see Vert but Mark pushed me back down and scoffed. "You can't even find half your car."

What kind of insult is that? I looked at him strangely. Had Mark hit his head?

"Hey, back off! Markie."

Shit, I cursed, pushing Mark away as he attempted to keep me in the seat. I have no idea what the hell is going on and I'm tired of sitting here feeling like a damn two-year-old.

"The storm realm can't be re-opened." Gig explained. "The wheel of power decides which racing realm to open and when."

I managed to push the burly man out of my way. With one hand clinging to the roof and one hand threatening to rip Mark's shirt, I managed to pull myself out of the car and onto my feet. They wobbled like they wanted to give way but I managed to keep them steady.

"Great! One realm's enough for me." Monkey commented.

Kurt limped over, his voice angry. Wait, why is he limping? "Typical Metal Maniac. The Teku aren't afraid to try again."

"Scrap the Teku!" Monkey responded. "Metal Maniacs do whatever we want! Right, Wylde?"

Wylde left my side, approaching the group. I nearly lost my balance at the lack of grip in my hand, but my body leaned against the car and I regained my support. "Nobody scares Wylde away from a race."

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