"What? You want to go back in there?" Monkey couldn't believe it. "Look what those drone dudes did to us."

"Look what they did to me." Everyone's gaze turned up towards the platform where a man stood. His face was the same as the hologram, so I knew this was Tezla. What surprised me was the fact that his entire body was covered with a metal cast, from his neck to his feet.

The drones did that?

"We have work to do." He said before turning around and walking away.

Monkey helped Lani get Taro into the back of her Nomad. Kurt refused help.

"Come on, Jae." Monkey reached out for me but I held my hand up and shook my head. "You're hurt!"

"I'm fine, Monkey." I took a deep breath, slowly pushing away from Taro's car. Once I felt safe enough that my legs would actually support me, I let go. "I just need a minute. Please."

He stared at me with worry, but finally shook his head and walked away. The Nomad took off for the infirmary. My eyes never left it until it disappeared from sight.

Taro... please be okay.

Everyone had begun working on their cars. I sat on a set of tires beside Monkey, still not feeling a hundred percent, but still doing better than Taro, who remained unconscious.

Kurt hit something, I'm not sure what since I was barely paying attention, but both Monkey and Mark started laughing at him like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Nice one, Kurt!" Monkey managed through his laughter.

Vert offered to help him, but Kurt stood, declining the offer.

"You're in no condition to keep working, Kurt." Lani stood with her hands on her hips. "None of us are."

"The next racing realm could open at any time." Dr. Tezla walked up to her.

"So we skip the next realm, so what?" Kurt sounded annoyed as usual. I wanted to roll my eyes, but I actually agreed with him this time. I couldn't stop thinking about Taro.

"The strange powers you reported." Tezla began. "The things their cars can do. I believe they earn new powers every time they complete a racing realm. Soon, it will be impossible to stop them."

"Stop them from what, exactly?" I questioned, more to myself. "World domination?"

If anyone heard me, they chose to ignore me, though Tezla did send a glance my way.

"It's already impossible," Lani complained. "The cars aren't ready and... we're all exhausted!"

"They are only human, Dr. Tezla," Gig added. "Unfortunately."

I scoffed.

"They can't go against the drones again, not now." It almost sounded like Lani was begging.

Monkey was inspecting something when he nudged me. "Woah, wait wait. Does anybody else hear music?"

I looked at him strangely but realized he was right. I could faintly hear a booming, like bass.

Monkey jumped down excitedly. "That must be my ride. I got in touch with Tork. Yeah, I told him what happened."

"That's no Metal Maniac," Mark said, but Monkey wasn't listening. He was right, though. That music clearly belonged to a Teku, or at the very least, someone that liked their music. We exchanged a look.

The sound grew louder as they approached the hideout and soon the sound of Teku music mingling with the sound of roaring engines and squealing tires filled the drome. Sure enough, two Teku cars had arrived, barely missing Lani and Tezla as they slid to a stop.

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