Chapter 13 : Remorse

Start from the beginning

The elevator finally reached their floor, Papi got in first and Gun followed after him still with his eyes on the floor. Gun kept his eyes on the floor half because he was scared of what Papis expression looked like and half because he was on the verge of tears and was trying his best not to cry.

What if Papi was going to stop tell him that he no longer wanted Gun in his life anymore because he couldn't handle how childish and petty Gun was. The thought of not having Papi in his life made Gun want to scream and have a panic attack. They had been in each other's life for close to 4 years now and had met each other almost every single day for that period. Papi was so intangled with his life that Gun didn't know how he would survive without Papi in it.

Gun couldn't just call Papi his friend. They were so so much more than that. Papi was his work partner, his colleague, his shopping buddy, his worst enemy, his best friend and so much more. The way Gun loved Papi was different to the way he loved for instance Tay who was like a brother to him and the way he loved P'Jen who was a dear friend to him.

Gun didn't know when it had happened but somewhere along the line Gun's love for Papi had shifted from that of a friend to something else entirely. At the thought of losing Papi Gun could finally admit to himself that he had feelings for Papi.

In fact.... He loved Papi.

The elevator dinged to signal they had finally reached their floor and the doors opened. Papi again was the first one to get off and Gun followed like a lost puppy trying his absolute best to still his wildly beating heart.

When they turned the corridor Gun found it weird that it was so quiet and saw that they were not on the 30th floor which was where the meeting was going to be held. They were on the 10th floor of the gmmtv building which was the floor with the cafeteria in it.

Gun saw Papi push open the cafeteria doors and hold them open until Gun got in. The cafeteria was the prefect place for them to talk. Since it was Sunday most of the building was empty but especially the cafeteria since the Kitchen was closed during the weekends. Gun doubted there was anyone on the the floor except for them.

Papi put his bag on one of the tables then turned around , sat down on that table, crossed his arms and looked at Gun. Gun also put his bag on the same table trying his best not to touch Papi then stepped back a little.

Gun was waiting for Papi to speak but Papi just sat there staring at him with a little frown on his face. He sat there looking at Gun, his frown getting deeper and deeper like he was perplexed about something.

Gun started freaking out. Papi had never been this mad at him. What if Gun had finally pushed Papi to his breaking point and he just couldn't figure out how to tell Gun that he no longer wanted him in his life. Oh God what would Gun do without Papi in his life. What was he supposed to do with all these newfound feelings that he had just discovered he had for Papi not more than 5 minutes ago!

Papi gave out a deep breath after what felt like an eternity and finally spoke. "Come here" Papi commanded, putting a stop to the internal frenzy that Gun had been putting himself through. Gun again followed Papi's instructions without complaint willing to do anything at this point just to make sure Papi wouldn't resort to drastic measures and silently went and stood next to Papi.

Papi uncrossed his arms and put one of his fingers through Gun's belt loop and pulled on it until Gun was situated between Papi's legs.
"I'm not sure why you did it or what childish reasons you have for putting me through that just... just please promise you'll never do something like that to me again. Please." Papi desperately begged Gun, his voice so soft like he was afraid he might break Gun if it was any louder.

Gun was so choked up with relief that he could do nothing but nod at the floor trying to compose himself least he started crying when he spoke. Papi grabbed his chin and forced Gun to look at him in the eye. Gun saw so much intensity, hurt and what looked like confusion swirling around in Papi's eyes.

"Say it," Papi demanded his hand firmly gripping Gun's chin but not so that it hurt, just so Gun couldn't escape Papi's gaze even if he wanted to.

"I promise," Gun croaked sounding like he hadn't used his voice in years. Papi instantly looked relieved. His hand did not move from Gun's chin however and they stood there staring at each other again for the third time that day. Gun kept getting lost in Papi's eyes and he couldn't seem to find his way out.

Papi's eyes suddenly dropped to Gun's mouth and Gun's breath hitched. He couldn't help but also look down at Papi's lips. They looked really fucking soft.

Papi put his free hand around Gun's waist and pulled him closer . Papi's thumb slightly graced the bottom of Gun's lips and they slightly opened in response. Papi then started leaning towards Gun and Gun's heart started beating so fast he was scared he would go into cardiac arrest.

Their lips finally met and it was amazing . Papi fit his lips around Gun's. They started kissing with Papi nibbling on Gun's lips and drawing back a little so Gun had to chase after his lips. They kept on kissing and getting lost in each other's mouth . Papi bit on his bottom lip and Gun couldn't help but moan into Papi's lips feeling the telltale signs of arousal creep up his body.

Papi had taken the opportunity to put his tongue into Gun's mouth when Gun's mouth had been slightly open when he had moaned. The kiss started getting more heated and nastier and Gun couldn't help but wrap his arms around Papis neck and brought himself flat against Papi.

Gun flicked Papi's tongue with his own and gently sucked on Papi's tongue causing Papi to groan. They both kept chasing after each other into the others mouths and doing little tricks to get the other to moan and make all sorts of delicious sounds.

Papi slid his hands down so he was cupping Gun's ass and Gun tangled his fingers into the back of Papi's hair and slightly tugged causing Papi to give out little moans.

They kept kissing for a while, both of them hard but not willing to stop kissing to do anything about it, occasionally pulling apart to catch their breaths and then starting all over again.

Gun lost track of time but they must have been kissing for over an hour when Gun heard one of the doors open but didn't register it quickly enough.

"What are you guys doing?" someone said behind Gun causing them to spring apart.

Fuck they had been caught.

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