Zigfried's magic

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"So let me get this straight the plan is to walk across this log to get to the other side of the river?" asked Zigfried.
"Yep." said Bist confidently.
"Need I remind you that both Lavitz and I have leg injuries, not to mention that there is nothing besides a few stones securing that log in place." said Zigfried doubtfully.
"Don't worry it will be fine." said Bist.
"Okay if you are so sure of it being safe you go first." said Zigfried.
"Fine I will." stated Bist as he jumped across the log and even did a flip on the other side of the river.
"I am impressed fine I will go next, then Shana, Lavitz, and finally you Dart that way if Lavitz falls he will have someone right there to catch him." said Zigfried as he quickly got on the log standing on his good leg with his cane outstretched in one hand he proceeded to hop along on one foot until he got about half way across at which point he used his cane to launch himself to the other side.
"That was amazing." yelled Lavitz.
"Eh you tend to learn a thing or two about balance when you have a bad leg." answered Zigfried.

Shana, Lavitz and Dart made it across the log just fine.

"Let's continue ahead." stated Lavitz.
"Wait we probably won't be heading back anytime soon, if ever, let's make it just a little bit harder for anyone following us." suggested Bist.
"I like your thinking Bist." said Zigfried.

Bist proceeded to spread some black powder that he had kept in a small satchel over log and light a match sadly the current of the water quickly extinguished the flame.

"That was a good idea Bist but let me give it a shot, fire of the dragon, wings of the bird, unite." said Zigfried holding his sword in front of him as his sword caught fire and then a strong wind blew the fire onto the log quickly burning it despite it being in the water.
"What was that?" asked Shana.
"Uh magic very basic magic still it took a lot out of me haha." said Zigfried weakly.
"That was incredible and you call it basic magic." said Dart.
"I don't really even know how to cast it if I am being completely honest I just channel the power of the symbols on my sword." said Zigfried showing the symbols of various animals that lined the length of the blade from the dragon at the hilt to the mole at the tip.
"Interesting what do the symbols mean though I mean we already saw fire of the dragon and wings of the bird but what do the others do?" asked Lavitz.
"The wolf gives speed, the monkey gives the power of agility, the fish allows for the brief ability to breathe underwater, the ox is for increasing strength, the snake allows swift movement and poisons the enemy, and finally the mole allows for increased defense and power." explained Zigfried.
"What an odd way to channel magic, impressive but odd." said Bist.
"Well it's not like any of us are formally trained in magic." said Zigfried only partially lying.
"That's ture." said Dart.
"Let's continue ahead." said Zigfried.

A little ways down the road towards the limestone cave the group ran into some travelers.

"What are peasants doing all the way out here?" asked Zigfried.
"What did you call us?" asked the man.
"Sorry force of habit I meant no offense." said Zigfried.
"You, you are a knight of Basil!" yelled the man in anger as his focus shifted to Lavitz and pulled a small hunters knife out and charged at Lavitz.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." said Zigfried as he swiftly knocked the blade from the man's hand and caught him in a hold leaving the man with just enough room to explain himself.
"Sorry it's just that his knights ruined our lives we escaped from Sandora with nothing but the clothes on our backs and whatever food we could carry." said the man practically in tears.
"Don't say that honey we will get in more trouble than we are in already." said the woman.
"Don't worry since no one was injured and you have a understandable motive of protecting yourself from a knight that you have been taught to be your enemy I see no harm in letting you be." said Lavitz.
"Thank you sir?" said the man as Zigfried released him and realized that he was obviously trying to ask the name of the man whom had spared him.
"Lavitz Slambert head of the first knighthood of Basil." said Lavitz as he stepped forward with his hand outstretched for the man to shake.
"So you made it all the way here from Kazas that's no small feet, you must be running out of supplies by now?" said Zigfried questioningly.
"Yes sir." said the young boy who had been hiding behind the woman until this point.
"Shhhhh." went the woman.
"So sorry for our son's interruption." said the man.
"Don't be he was being honest here's some bread." said Zigfried taking out a small piece of bread that he had kept since Hellena knowing that it was better than nothing.
"Oh thank you sir?" said the woman obviously asking for Zigfried's name.
"Zigfried ex knight of Mille Seseau." said Zigfried.
"Thank you so much." stated the man.
*Cough* "Anyways if you are seeking a safe place to stay head to Bale, King Albert will be more than happy to offer you a place to stay I promise you." said Lavitz after getting the attention back on him.
"Really?" asked the man.
"Yes I am sure he is always willing to give refugees a safe place to stay." stated Lavitz.
"If you want you could even travel with us, safety in numbers and all that besides I can't imagine it will be easy to navigate the limestone cave." said Zigfried.
"You are going through the limestone cave?" asked the man the tone of worry obvious in his voice.
"Yes it is the only way to get to Bale from here." said Lavitz questioning their worry and plan.
"Have you not heard about the guardian of the cave?" asked the couple.
"The what now?" asked Zigfried.
"They say that in the darkness of the cave lives a giant eyeless snake." said the man.
"Urobolus!" shouted Zigfried suddenly in surprise.
"What?" asked the rest of them.
"What they just described is an Urobolus a sub species of dragon they were all but wiped out by dragon hunters a couple hundred years ago though I have examined some fangs and even a skeleton of a baby Urobolus they are tough creatures to beat if the surviving records are anything to go on." said Zigfried with the faintest tone of worry present in his voice.
"So what do you suggest we do?" asked Dart.
"Well we can't exactly go back the way we came, the only way is forward and we have to hope that we don't run into it." said Zigfried calmly.

"Don't worry about this guardian of the cave you I am a trained knight we will have an easy time besides we are near the ocean we will have a good meal tonight." said Zigfried as he pulled out a small length of string and a hook from a pouch on his armour and picked up a sturdy stick.
"You are a fisherman and a knight?" asked the man.
"No it's just that I know how to survive." stated Zigfried politely.

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