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"Hey ma" Lou said walking up behind his mother pam giving her a hug "it smell good in here" he said watching his mom stir the mash potatoes she had greens and sweet potatoes going

"Hey baby and where is Camry and nana's baby" she asked turning towards him

"They're on the way" he told her. The room became silent when she noticed his face she looked at him for a while his lip was busted and under his eye it was dark his cheeks still a little bruised. If she would've seen him a couple of weeks ago she probably would have flipped

"Now boy what's wrong with your face" she said grabbing his chin tilting it to get a better look

"Nun ma" he said pulling away

"It's gotta be something I've heard you ain't been going to work and now -"

"I got laid off" he told her. After signing the papers for the deal and cooperating instead of making things a big deal and taking him to  jail .they dropped the charges they rather not go through that whole process and instead just laid him off . It was more for them than him the department had similar problem like this before and they didn't want this going around.

"What you do boy" his mother snapped

"I got caught up in some mess ma" he told her "the chemo and paying off gams house and the house and allat I got involved with some people and -"

"And why would you do that Louis!! your father would be so disappointed in you right now" she said taking a seat at the table her hand covering her face "your brother has done enough for the both of you. You were the last I expected to-"

"I know I wish I could turn it all around" he said honestly

"Just imagine the shame you would've brought on this family if-"

"Man you all are pissing me the hell off with this shit" he snapped

"Excuse me " his mother said giving him that look letting him know to calm down

"You heard me you don't think it was hard for me to get involved with the shit in the first place grandma would've lost her and pawpaws house and you would've fucking died nobody understands I was looking out for family that's what daddy taught me to do look out for you all-"

"Don't you dare put your father in your mess" she snapped getting out of her chair

"He said family comes first no matter what and I put you all first because I care about you I didn't worry about wether I would die or could be fired I only cared about y'all man" he screamed before sliding down the wall putting his head in his knees crying. Nobody understood how hard it was to go down this path in the first place but the fact that he did it for the ones he loved and  they act like the couldn't understand.

"Louis get up" his mother demanded

"Leave me alone man" he said getting up going for his keys

"Louis do not disrespect me" she snapped "now come here " she told him sternly . He hesitantly Walked over to her

"Yes ma'am " he said wiping the tears from his face

"I'm sorry " she told him pulling him in her arms and he couldn't help but let it all out he hated the person he had become over the past few years but he felt he had no other choice

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