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"Ma who is that dude sitting at our table" 10 year old X asked storming in her room she sat up her nude body covered with her bed sheets the room smoky from the cigarette she had been smoking

"Why X" she asked annoyed

"Because he just ate the rest of my cereal and he ain't got no clothes on" he told her angrily

"Don't you gotta be to school in a few minute" she asked putting out her cigarette

"It's Saturday " he said annoyed

"Well leave go do something with yourself " she said waving him off


"No X" Kimberly said waving him off they where arguing about zay coming to stay with x but Kim didn't want him to leave

"Ma you being mad selfish you see what he getting himself into he needs to be around me so I can help him do better and-"

"How in the fuck can you help him if your doing God's know what" she said eyeing him

"Because I care about him -"

"And I don't" she said getting defensive

"Mom I never said you didn't but he running all over you doing what ever he wants and I can show him and help him do better" he said told her "And why you always wanna put this lifestyle I live on me do you not remember the person you use to be zay got the good side I ain't get this side of you and-"

"Don't you dare put what you do on me-"

"Ma you were never here for me everything I learned and how I survived I did that on my own you were drinking or passed out on the couch you had different men coming in and out and sometimes them niggas would beat your ass and then beat mine I just wanted to get away from it and I probably didn't choose the best lifestyle but it's good enough for me" he hated how his mom tried to neglect her pass and the things she put them through

"Y'all good over there"zay yelled from the kitchen

"Yea go pack your bags " my mom yelled back "you better take care of him X " she told him her voice cracking

"I will ma" he assured her he was getting ready to say something else when his phone began to ring

"Yea What's up"

"This is autumn summer is up" autumn said excitingly

"I'll be up there in a minute " he told her

"K " she said before hanging up

"Hi I'm looking for summer Ryan" he told the lady at the front desk

"Feel these out " the lady at the desk said handing me the paper smacking her gum loud as hell

"Yo I'm finna smack the shit outta you" he said getting her attention

"Excuse -X" the girl said when she looked up

"Man donna you make black people look bad G stop chewing that gum that fucking hard and fix your attitude and-"

"Can you fix it for me" she said biting her lip

"Aye bitch we looking for-"

"Bitch" Donna said turning her head side wise x could tell she was getting ready to turn up

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