28 | the rambling

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They slept in their own beds, much to Hermione's chagrin. Her own shyness to express her desires was working against her- once again, she couldn't bring herself to say "stay."

She understood why she desired him sexually- she may have missed it before, when he was just that arrogant prat at Hogwarts, but lately she had opened her eyes to see his attractive features. His silky hair, his slim, long body, his sharp, knowing eyes... and then in terms of skill in bed... well, Hermione didn't have much experience, but she had never heard in any of her 7th year dorm-mate's gossip about orgasming every single time they were with a man.

And she had certainly never guessed Draco Malfoy would be so damn willing to go down on her. She knew about oral sex, of course, but he just didn't come across as the kind of guy who would be into that- it seemed like a modern thing to Hermione, and Draco was definitely not modern. But maybe she was just showing her ignorance, again?

She blushed at the memories of her evening, pulling her blankets tight around her. She couldn't seem to fall asleep.

So, her attraction to him made sense to her- but why did she miss his warm body next to her? Was it something about the sex itself that made her feel so lonely afterwards when he didn't stay? He was just across the house, and the two would spend the whole day together tomorrow. She shouldn't feel lonely or neglected by him.

Did he not want to spend the night with her?

Maybe his feelings for her really were simpler than Ginny seemed to think. Maybe he cared for her like one would care for any friend... and the sex was just a bonus, in his mind. Had she made a mistake, sleeping with him before he had sorted these feelings out? Before she had sorted out her own feelings towards him?

She sighed, rolling over and bringing the pillow up and over her head.

Why wouldn't her brain be quiet so she could sleep? Why couldn't she get him out of her mind? She just kept thinking of those cloudy silver eyes when he was considering their date tomorrow. She had seen the moment when he had thrown away any objections he might have had, and his eyes almost seemed to smile even though his mouth was carefully straight. He wanted to make her happy- his eyes told that story.

She tossed and turned. There wasn't even a hint of his scent left over on her sheets or pillow- the house elves changed them daily, she suspected.

Finally, she just went to the potions room and got some sleeping drought, knowing she had to be rested for tomorrow. Based on previous experiences with Wizards who were not used to muggle things, she had a feeling their date would be exhausting... though perhaps illuminating.


Draco tried to be completely calm next to the screaming blurs of cars and the bustling crowds of muggles. Like everyone else who attended Hogwarts, he had been to London before, of course, to catch the train. But a hurried trip straight to platform 9 ¾ accompanied by his parents was a very different thing from the leisurely stroll down the street he was taking with Hermione. She had wanted to bring him to a theater by her old house after eating at her favorite Italian place... this was her idea, so he just went with the flow and let her drag him around.

The restaurant had not been very fancy, and he was horrified when it came down to paying the check -he had not even spared a thought on obtaining muggle money for the evening. Hermione paid for everything on a little plastic card she assured him contained money, and he wondered at how such a thing could be possible.

He wondered if he should offer to pay her back? Or was it one of her independent-muggle things and she would be offended if he suggested it? He knew she had money, but it couldn't be that much, if the star rating advertised on the restaurant was any indication.

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