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Wanda's Point Of View

I edged closer to him and placed my hand on his forehead. I shut my eyes to feel his thoughts as I suddenly felt it. It was dark. Painful. He was in an emotional turmoil, he was drowning in guilt. His mind seemed to scream out for help. It was too sad as I immediately moved away.

"Too dark for you, Ms. Maximoff?", He asked as I looked into his eyes.
His stare was intense and pained.
"Who was Christine Palmer, Stephen?", I did not realise that my voice had turned into a whisper.
"I loved her.", He paused, tears welling up his eyes.
"I lost her in the war.", He ended his statement. I knew it but I had asked him just to see what he felt.

It was worse than pain.

"Wanda, I too have lost much and therefore I am asking you to not risk your life as I will feel more guilty about this whole situation.", He said, truthfully.
I moved away drawing in a deep breath.
"Doctor Strange. I think I have decided what to do.", I stated looking down at the floor.
"I understand.", He said looking back towards the city.

"I am trusting you.", he turned immediately.
"Are you—"
"I am sure. I have been too hard on you when you only wanted to protect me. Don't worry, Stephen, it will be okay.", I said with a smile hoping to comfort his aching heart.
He smiled and then turned back to the city.
"Kindly bring Pietro along with you. I'm sure he's going to be good company.", He said as I smiled and nodded.

"Ahem.", It was a known voice as we turned immediately.
"Oh. Pepper. It's a pleasure.", Stephen said immediately walking up to her.
"The pleasure is all mine, Stephen.", She said with a beaming smile.
She turned towards me as I walked up to her,
"I'm Pepper Stark. Tony's wife. I'm sure he didn't care to introduce me to you so I did that part myself. It's a pleasure to meet you.", She said shaking my hands.

"I'm glad to meet you. I've heard a lot about you, Pepper.", I said with a smile.
"I'll leave you guys alone for now. Come down soon, dinner is going to be served in some time.", She said before leaving.
"She's nice, isn't she?", I asked Stephen who looked at me with a raised brow.

"You're talking to me?", He asked as if perplexed.
"Who else do you see?", I said crossing my hands in front of my chest.
"No.. it's just that I thought you always shout.", He said as if very confused.
"Ah ha.. of course.", I said nodding my head with a smile before turning to leave.

I paused and looked back at him.
He had again turned towards the sky.
"You're not coming?", I asked.
"After some time.", Came the reply.

I was standing in his Sanctorum on the Bleecker Street. I finally realised that it was not that bad, just a little isolated.
"You don't feel lonely and depressed?", I asked him.
"Not as long as I'm here. Nonetheless he's always serious.", It was the guy who I had met the day before.
"And who are you, sir?", Pietro who was standing beside me asked.
"He is Wong. My friend.", Stephen said with a smile.

"No. Actually his cook, therapist, part time servant—"
"Ahem.", Stephen said cutting off Wong's statement who gave him a death glare.
"You cannot change the truth Doctor Stephen Strange.", He said with narrowed eyes before leaving as both Pietro and I broke into laughter.

"I like that guy.", Pietro said as I agreed whole heartedly.
"I'm going behind him.", Pietro said before running behind him, or rather disappearing behind him.

"I like this place.", I stated as Stephen looked at me with a raised brow.
"And the person?", He asked with a smirk.

"Ah, well that will take some time, Sorcerer Supreme.", I said with a smile before walking up to the stairs in the centre leading up to the second floor.

I knew he stood there with a smile, looking down at the floor.


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