Uta 4 - Who is the Strongest

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"Ne ne, Haru-nee" you appeared from Haruka behind.
"What, (you)-chan?" Haruka turned her head to (you)
"Who is stronger between Oto-nii and Tokki-nii?" you gave her a question and you sat beside her

Haruka paused a bit and thinking about your question as put her index finger on her chin "Uhm, maybe Otoya?"
"So, Tokki-nii is weaker than Oto-nii?" you exclaimed

Tokiya suddenly sneezed.
Otoya who was at him startled "Woah ,Do you catch a cold?"
"Maybe" Tokiya felt cold

"I don't know but why you suddenly ask me about it?" Haruka curious
"I want to compare all of them who is the strongest" you gave her a sheet of paper that contain their name.

Haruka then take a look at it.

"How about Cecil-nii and Tokki-nii?" you pointed their name

Tokiya sneezed for the twice
"Again?!" Otoya startled
"I think I've a cold" Tokiya half annoyed

"I don't know" Haruka confused

While Haruka and (You) were busy about discussing it, Ai appeared.
"What are you talking about?" Ai asked

"Ai-nii!" you're happy to see him
"Well, we're comparing you and the others who is the strongest" Haruka explained


"Let's decide it with this!" Reiji hold a ketchup bottle on air "I'm going first!" Reiji seemed struggle opening it but the cover didn't move an inch. He cried on the corner alone.
Natsuki tried open it but it wouldn't budge "I can't do it~" Natsuki passed the ketchup to others

"Pass" Camus said without touch it

"What is this?" Otoya tried open it with all might
"It wouldn't budge even you used all your strength" Cecil defeated
"My my, I can't open it" Ren stopped and checked the bottle and found something near the cover ".. What is this sticky... glue?"
Syo turned to Reiji "Did you do something to the cover before?"

"Yes, I tighten the cover" Reiji looked proud "I used this PERMANENT glue" Reiji even gave them take a look at it

They shocked

"Why did you do that? Are you stupid?" Ai looked at Reiji with are-you-serious face
"I just want to know what if I'm the strongest" Reiji pouted .He could feel everyone's staring at him.

"Hmph, good thing I didn't try opening it" Camus smirked as sitting on sofa with elegant.
"At least I've tried" Ren sat beside Camus

Ranmaru coming from stair and went toward fridge. He grabbed a cold drink and walked to the living room where everyone's gathering "Why are you gather here?"

All attention turned to Ranmaru.

"No one can't open this ketchup" you sighed
One of them gave Ranmaru the bottle.

Ranmaru put the cold drink on table and tried open the ketchup cover.

sfx: *pshh*

"Here" He opened it with easy and grabbed back his cold drink then waved them. He went back to his room.

Everyone with dumb expression looked at Ranmaru until he disappeared.


"..Now, we know who is strong here.."

Everyone's face was priceless back then.

Everyupdate is confess:
Imma just leave this here

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