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Aomine was walking back from the cinema. He always walked this route, past the outdoor basketball courts, by habit of course - he never played there. He was pretty sure Kise lived around here. Not like he cared of course. He glanced towards the group of amateur kids when he spotted a tall blond racing past everyone else. It was a figure he would always recognise, a figure that naturally drew your attention.

It was Kise. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, black and white shorts and Adidas trainers. Unconsciously, he had stopped in the middle of the pavement with his eyes glued to the blonde. He was coming towards him, shit. He was less than two metres away. But he stopped, he hadn't been looking, hadn't seen him. Aomine was slightly disappointed. He could see Kise's back, see him wipe his sweaty face and drink from his water bottle. Aomine stepped closer, pushing his fingers through the holes in the fence.

As he made his way over he passed many sweaty, smiling faces. What used to be him now gave him a sense of uneasiness. Kise's face was relaxed, tired but relaxed. When he spotted Aomine the calm disappeared. His eyes widened and his face showed the worry that Aomine was feeling. I caused that, Aomine thought bitterly.


Kise merely nodded, eyeing Aomine as if he could attack at any moment.

"I haven't played street ball in a long time." Aomine said desperately trying to carry on the conversation while trying to keep said desperation out of his voice.

"Well yeah, I heard you only play when you're forced to for a match. And you're usually late for that anyway."

Not when you played, Aomine thought. Aloud he said: "yeah.. I guess you heard right."


"So how are things with you?"

Kise shrugged, "fine. It'll probably bore you anyway."

Aomine swallowed - his throat had been awfully dry that day. He wanted to tell Kise that he DID want to know, that he did care however interesting or boring it was. But he didn't because he didn't know how and Kise wouldn't have believed him anyway.

"Then why are you here?" Kise's voice cut across his voice.


"You say you never come here, you only play if you have to. Why'd you come in here?" Kise was looking at him like a dangerous puzzle.

"Err, because I saw you."

Another silence.

Aomine was trying to say something. When he'd finally decided that sitting here in silence still meant something if Kise wasn't leaving, Kise stood up from the bench. "I have to go."


And with that he was gone.

Okay. Five chapters in a day, and written a Spanish essay, and met with other people and planned to meet other people. Well done me. More KiKasa next.

Aomine x Kise x KasamatsuUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum