High profile client

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Martin turns the last of the lights off after his week of work and the sending off of a another Slave and receiving a handsome pay check when two loud thumps strike the door.
Martin hesitantly Walks towards the door, when a 2nd bang on the door was heard. He reluctantly opened it, he was shocked to be greeted by a tall muscular man who took his hat off revealing his dark brown flowing hair.
"Can I be of any help to you sir?" Martin asked inquisitively.
"Mr Phillips is it?" The man questioned.
Martin was perplexed, yet intrigued into who this well built man was and how he knew his name, Martin confirmed he was in fact Mr phillips.
"Great I'm the Duke of Suffolk, Lord Wiltshire but please call me Arthur", the man replied in a commanding sincere voice.

Lord of Suffolk, what on earth would he want with me? Martin thought.
As his thoughts continued to spiral his heart rate increased. However his thoughts were interpreted as MR Wiltshire broke the silence again.

"I'm here for business, may I can come in?"
Martin welcomes him in without a second thought, as he wouldn't dare refuse someone with such social status.

Both the men were in dark suits however, Arthur's suit was accompanied by a silver Rolex and diamond cuff links. Martin poured both them both a glass of jack Daniels and started the negotiations.

I'm not going to waste your time MR Philips I'll explain the situtaiom exactly how it is.

Mr Wiltshire began to explain on his two week cruise, of the Caribbean he became introduced to this woman, Layla. She was 22 years old, 5 foot 7 long blonde hair and a golden tan which also brought out her blue eyes. He continued to explain she was perfect everything he wanted in a girl with one trait missing. She wouldn't be submissive, in society today this was imperative especially to someone of so much authority.

Martin was certainly interested in the proposition and was excited to learn more.
He continued "that's why i need you and your services, I want you to train her over the next 4 weeks" meaning she'll be ready for his party in his new Staley Manet celebrating his 25th birthday.
"I'd love to Sir, we need to agree terms and other details" returned Martin

Arthur then informed this won't be easy as she's very much a feminist and won't conform to society's ideas, nevertheless he wouldn't give up on her.

"For the four weeks work I will pay you £25,000 and obviously and invite to the upcoming party", he chuckled.

"Very kind of you sir", Martin returned.

"Punish and reward her however you see fit and suitable, you can give and receive oral sex of her use toys, however you will not ever have sexual intercourse with her as Im very protective of what's mine." This brought the negotiations to an end as Martin certainly agreed to these terms and was over hours to be working with nobility.

Martin showed him out and Arthur explained he'll bring her on Monday and for him to enjoy the weekend off. Both men saw this deal beneficial and rewarding painting a small smile on both the gentlemen's faces.

Layla would stay with Mr Phillips durning the training period completing various styles of training through out, however if Martin was unsuccessful this could be disastrous, nevertheless he locked the office and went out to celebrate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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